Police HQ

Reports and publications

The Queensland Police Service (QPS) publishes a wide range of documents, including strategies, reports, budgets and more. You can find these here, organised into categories for ease of reference.

If you can’t find what you’re looking for here, visit our Right to information and privacy section to find out more about searching the information we publish, or apply for unpublished information.

Strategic planning and reporting

QPS puts in place strategic and operational plans to deliver effective policing for Queensland. Our budget outlines how our programs will be funded; and our annual report is how we report back on what we have achieved./sites/default/files/2024-07/QPS-Operational-Plan-2024-25_0.docx

The QPS Strategic Plan 2024-2028

The strategic plan outlines the direction for the Queensland Police Service and our strategies for delivering effective policing for Queensland.

If you would like a historical copy of the QPS Strategic Plan, please email Planning and Performance.

QPS Strategic Plan 2024-2028 (doc)

The QPS Operational Plan 2024-25

The Operational Plan outlines how we will work to deliver services that align to our strategy.

QPS Operational Plan 2024-25 (doc)

Aligned to the Strategic Plan, the Strategic Workforce Plan outlines the Service’s objectives regarding the development of its people. It details 4 different focus areas which provide a framework for building a connected, engaged and job ready workforce. These are talent management, leadership and capability, new ways of working and culture. The QPS Equity and Diversity Plan outlines objectives to recruit and retain a diverse workforce and promote a respectful and safe workplace. The QPS is committed to the ongoing journey of cultural transformation where everyone is treated with fairness and dignity so we can better understand and represent the community we serve.

Strategic Workforce Plan and Equity and Diversity Plan (PDF)

Accessible version


QPS Disability Service Plan 2023-2026

The QPS Disability Service Plan (DSP) 2023-2026 outlines the actions the QPS will take to build a more inclusive Queensland where everyone feels valued, safe, and supported in the community and out workplace. It lays out our commitment to the principles set out in Queensland’s Disability Plan 2022-27: Together, a better Queensland and Australia’s Disability Strategy 2021-2031.

Current plan

Previous plans

The QPS Annual Report

Every year we produce an annual report which shows our financial and non-financial performance.

PSBA final Annual Report

The PSBA 2020-21 annual report is available to view online and to download as a full report, or in sections.

Queensland Counter-Terrorism Strategy

The Queensland Counter-Terrorism Strategy and Queensland Counter-Terrorism Strategy Snapshot outline how we will work with Queensland agencies, government, businesses and the community to deliver effective measures to counter terrorism and violent extremism.

QPS Budget

We set service delivery priorities each year. These take into account the government’s priorities, QPS’ strategic priorities and community and Ministerial feedback. We then prepare a budget submission for the Queensland Treasury. You can see QPS’ contribution to the State Budget at the following links:

Queensland Budget
Queensland Treasury - Budget and Finance Section

QPS Sexual Violence Response Strategy

The QPS Sexual Violence Response Strategy 2023-2025 and Action Plan 2023-2025 outlines how we will continue to build capacity to enhance our response to victim-survivors of sexual violence.

The Evaluation of the Sexual Violence Response Strategy 2021-23 outlines the findings from the evaluation by Griffith University of the first QPS Sexual Violence Response Strategy.

Domestic and Family Violence Strategy and Doctrine

The QPS  has a critical policing role in the prevention, disruption, response to, and investigation of DFV. 

DFV Strategy

QPS DFV Doctrine

QPS Mental Health Response Strategy

The QPS Mental Health Response Strategy outlines how we will deliver progressive and dynamic policing practices that reduce harm, and enhance the safety of persons impacted by, or experiencing, mental health crises within the community.



Police conduct and service standards

QPS Integrity Framework

Published in 2020, the QPS Integrity Framework lays out what we as an organisation expect from members in terms of values, leadership and accountability.

QPS Code of Conduct

QPS requires that all employees adhere to the Queensland Public Service Code of Conduct, which outlines how we conduct ourselves in delivering services to the Queensland community.


Customer complaints

Reports on QPS complaint numbers each year, including how many resulted in further action.


2020 - 2021

2019 - 2020

2018 - 2019

2017 - 2018

2016 - 2017

2015 - 2016

2014 - 2015


QPS Strategic Review
In 2014/15 QPS commissioned reviews into police shootings, use of force and internal culture. Read the final reports and recommendations for:

Task Force Bletchley

The Violent Confrontations Review

Executive Summary: Cultural Review of the Gold Coast District

QPS reviews factsheet


QPS Standard of Professional Practice

The Queensland Police Service (QPS) is committed to the achievement of high ethical standards by all its members. 

The Queensland Public Service operates under the Code of Conduct for the Queensland Public Service (Code of Conduct). The Code of Conduct applies to employees of Queensland public service agencies, which are defined under the Public Sector Ethics Act 1994 (PSEA), when they are performing official duties. this Standard of Professional Practice (SOPP) is the approved Standard of Practice for the QPS and informs all members of expected standards of conduct and professional practice. 



Families, Indigenous and multicultural communities

Our Reframing the Relationship Plan has been developed to support the QPS in its commitment to implement the components of the Reframing the Relationship requirements under section 21(2) of the Public Sector Act 2022 (Qld) (“the Public Sector Act”).

This plan will support the continued commitment of the QPS to building cultural capability and promoting change to enable the delivery of culturally safe services to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and communities.

Download the QPS Reframing the Relationship Plan

Domestic and family violence

Read the QPS Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Strategy, which shapes how the QPS will improve the police response and culture to domestic and family violence.


Read the QPS review of the Enforcement of Domestic Violence Orders in Queensland’s Discrete Indigenous Communities. This explores the barriers and issues to the effectiveness of DV orders in some Indigenous communities.


Indigenous strategy

QPS Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander strategies and associated action plans capture how we are working to close the gap and align with the Queensland Government’s Reconciliation Action Plan.

Multicultural Action Plan 2022-24

The Queensland Police Service’s response to the Multicultural Action Plan outlines how the service contributes to the Queensland Government’s multicultural policy 'Our story, our future', promoting an inclusive, harmonious, and united community for Queensland. 
The Queensland Police Service has committed to 5 of the 6 Key Actions within the Multicultural Action Plan focusing on the following: 

  • Recruitment and workplace culture
  • Culturally responsive services
  • Cultural diversity data
  • Interpreters and communication strategies
  • Address Racism and discrimination, and promote inclusion 

 Download the Queensland Police Service Annual Reporting for 2022-23 (PDF)


Court and judicial

Response to Coroner

The Department of Justice and Attorney-General (DJAG) coordinates six-monthly reporting on the implementation status of all recommendations made by the Coroner.

The QPS works collaboratively with DJAG and the Department of the Premier and Cabinet (DPC) to implement the recommendations made by the Coroner.

DJAG publishes a six monthly report on the status of all coronial recommendations.  This report can be accessed on their website.

Inquiries about Coronial Recommendations Reporting can be sent to Planning and Performance.


Waste Reduction and Recycling Plan

The Queensland Waste Reduction and Recycling Act 2011 requires the Chief Executive Officer of each state entity to prepare, adopt and implement a Waste Reduction and Recycling Plan for that entity’s waste in a way that best achieves the objectives of the Act.

The Public Safety Business Agency Waste Reduction and Recycling Plan (January 2017) addresses the activities for Queensland Fire and Emergency Services and the Queensland Police Service.

The plan supports the goals and targets set by the state within the Queensland Waste Avoidance and Resource Productivity Strategy (2014-2024) and includes:

  • waste reduction and recycling targets
  • actions to be taken to improve waste reduction and recycling
  • the management and monitoring of performance under the plan
  • Information about achieving continuous improvement in waste management.

View the Waste Reduction and Recycling Plan (PDF, 1.15MB)


QGAir ministerial travel reports

Quarterly reports on ministerial and governor travel using Queensland Government Air (QGAir) aircraft can be found on the Open Data Portal.


Impact Analysis Statement

An Impact Analysis Statement (IAS) is an assessment of a regulatory proposal made in accordance with The Queensland Government Better Regulation Policy (PDF).  An IAS is published on an agencies website after it has been approved by the Commissioner and the Minister for Police.