officer typing at a computer

Conducting research with us

Policing and criminal justice is of interest to external research organisations and academics. The QPS Research Committee was established to make decisions about which research requests we should participate in or approve.

Our priority is supporting quality research projects where the findings will contribute to best practice in the following areas:

  • Delivering police services to the community
  • Effective corporate management of the QPS organisation
  • The strategic direction of policing in Queensland.

Applying to conduct research with the Queensland Police Service

Any application must be received a minimum of one month before the next QPS Research Committee meeting, to be considered in that meeting.

Before you apply

Before applying to the QPS Research Committee, please familiarise yourself with the following documents:

Your application will be evaluated on the extent to which it will:

  • Align to our Strategic Plan
  • Inform our policy, practice and performance
  • Represent a good use of our time and resources
  • Support improvements in the way we do business
  • Be methodologically sound
  • Be supported by the area of QPS that will be affected by the research.

All researchers involved with the proposed research project must comply with the following national standards:

Should you have any questions about the QPS Research Committee, or wish to discuss your research before submitting, please contact the Research and Evaluation unit.


To apply to the QPS Research Committee, please use the online application form below

In addition to your application, please ensure you also attach any other relevant documentation where applicable, e.g. Human Research Ethics Committee documentation, letters of support, survey or focus group consent forms and instruments.

What happens next?

If your research application is approved, you will receive a Letter of Notification which outlines the conditions your research is subject to. Also attached will be a Formal Deed of Agreement. If you agree to the conditions stipulated in your Letter of Notification, you’ll need to sign and return a copy of your Formal Deed of Agreement prior to commencing data collection with the QPS.

Throughout the research process you will need to provide six-monthly Progress Reports until data collection with QPS resources has been completed.  

A QPS Research Liaison Officer will be appointed to be your primary contact within QPS, supporting you to conduct your research within the approved guidelines. The Research Liaison Officer is usually familiar with your specific area of research and can arrange access to data or personnel for interviews/surveys. This officer will not provide you with administrative or research assistance unless this is agreed by the committee and the officer's manager.

In addition, you’ll need to provide a draft copy of your research report to the QPS Research Committee before publication.

Should you wish to amend your research project after receiving approval, please complete the QPSRC Research Amendment Form and attach it via email to