Officer flagging down a vehicle


Infringement notices (tickets) can be issued by police for a variety of reasons including traffic and some public nuisance offences. For traffic offences, there are commonly 3 types of tickets issued:

  1. Camera detected tickets (red light, speed, etc) - received as a paper ticket in the mail
  2. Electronic tickets (eTickets) - received as an email or MMS to a nominated phone number or email address
  3. Hardcopy tickets - received as a paper ticket in the mail.

What are camera detected tickets?

Camera detected tickets are issued for speeding, mobile phone, seatbelt or red light camera offences. A photograph of a vehicle is taken and a notice is sent to the owner of the vehicle based on the registration details.  In cases where there are 2 owners listed, the notice is sent to the first person on the registration record.  The notice issued will also have details of the offence captured, including:

  • Image/s of the offence;
  • Date and time of the offence;
  • The location of the offence;
  • The location speed limit and the alleged speed of the detected vehicle (speeding offences only);
  • The fine amount of the offence; and
  • The number of licence demerit points allocated for the offence.

I’ve received a camera detected ticket; what are my options?

If you have received a ticket in the mail, you have 28 days in which you can:

  • Pay the fine;
  • Transfer the fine to the driver/responsible person is it wasn't you; or
  • Elect to have the matter dealt with via the courts.

Please note you will not receive a reminder by mail. To check if you are eligible for e-reminders, visit Department of Transport and Main Roads.

How do I pay my camera detected fine?

Payment options

Do not pay the fine if you were not in charge of the vehicle at the time of the offence or if you wish to have the matter dealt with in court.  

If you are having trouble making payment before the infringement due date, please contact Queensland Revenue Office on 1300 360 610  to discuss your payment options or by submitting an enquiry online (Queensland licence holders only).

How do I transfer responsibility or dispute a camera detected fine?

Transfer or dispute fine

For information on how to transfer responsibility to another licence holder or dispute a fine in court, refer to the reverse side of the ticket or by following the above link.

Where can I find a blank statutory declaration to transfer responsibility?

If you can’t nominate online, send a completed statutory declaration (DOC) to Queensland Revenue Office, GPO Box 1447, Brisbane Qld, 4001. Please allow up to 14 days for processing. Once processed, a new infringement notice will be issued to the person nominated.

Completed example

What are eTickets?

An electronic ticket (eTicket) is an infringement that is issued via a smart device (tablet or smart phone).

An eTicket can be delivered by:

  • email – as a PDF attachment from the Queensland Police Service (QPS)
  • MMS – to your mobile phone from the QPS
  • Australia Post – a paper ticket is printed and posted to your mailing address. Postage may take up to 14 days.

At the time of talking with a Queensland Police Service officer, you will be asked if you consent to receive the eTicket electronically (by email or MMS). If you elect to receive the eTicket by email or MMS, you will not receive a paper copy of the ticket.

I’ve received an eTicket, what are my options?

If you have received a ticket, you have 28 days in which you can:

  • Pay the fine
  • Elect to have the matter dealt with via the courts

Payment options

What should I do if I have lost, deleted or not received my eTicket?

If you haven’t received your eTicket within 14 days, or need a replacement ticket, you can request a replacement online or alternatively visit your local police station who can reprint a copy for you.


I think I’ve received a scam eTicket, what should I do?

If you haven’t spoken to a police officer recently but have received an eTicket via email or MMS, it is possibly a scam.

  1. Do not open any links or attachments.
  2. Delete the email.

If you wish to report the receipt of a fraudulent infringement notice email contact ScamWatch. ScamWatch also provide advice for spotting fraudulent or scam emails.

If you have opened the malicious file or have fallen victim to the scam, it is recommended that you report the matter through the Cyber Issue Reporting System.

I have questions about the ticket I’ve received, who should I contact?

If you have questions around the authenticity of an eTicket, please contact Policelink on 131 444. Other questions can be directed to the issuing officer, or the Officer in Charge at the police station listed on the eTicket.

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