QPS Police motorcycle

Vehicle impoundment

Queensland laws are putting the brakes on hoons and reckless driving offences. The laws are designed to improve road safety and stop repeat offenders. If you drive within the law, you won’t be affected. Go too far, you can lose your car.


Hoon Hotline - 13HOON

​​​To counter hooning, the police set up a dedicated Hoon Hotline in December 2010.

You can report hoons online or by calling the Hoon Hotline on 13HOON (13 46 66).

If possible you should give the operator the vehicle's:

  • make, model and colour
  • type of hooning activity 
  • registration plates, and
  • the date, time and where the vehicle was.

This will help the police identify and stop the hoon.

Early release

​The early release of an impounded or immobilised vehicle process described here relates specifically to chapter 4 (Motor Vehicle Impoundment) of the Police Powers and Responsibilities Act 2000.

The owner or usual driver of the impounded vehicle can apply in writing to the Commissioner of Police for early release if:

  • there is severe hardship – financial or physical
  • the offence happened without the owner's consent
  • the Type 2 offence has been rectified (unlicensed and unregistered only)
  • the grounds for impoundment or immobilisation were unreasonable.

The Commissioner of Police must, if reasonably practicable, make a determination on the early release application within five business days of receiving it. Should the owner or usual driver disagree with the Commissioner’s decision, the decision is appealable to a Magistrates Court.

Submit an Application for release of impounded or immobilised vehicle form (you must have a valid and current email address)

If you do not have access to a valid email address you can print this form, fill in the applicable information and post it to:

Queensland Police Service
GPO Box 1440

Application for early release of vehicle (printable)

All attached documents need to be in an approved format. Approved format for documentation: doc, docx, xls, xlsx, ppt, pptx, pdf, zip, rar, txt

What are some accompanying documents I may need?

If you have any trouble uploading all required documentation to one e-mail, please send a further e-mail with remainder of your documentation to mviearlyrelease@police.qld.gov.au, remembering the file size restrictions above. Include your full name, DOB, address and vehicle registration. 


If you are aggrieved by a decision of the Queensland Police Service regarding your application for the early release of your vehicle from impoundment, you may lodge an appeal with a magistrate.

Further information on this process is available from your local magistrates court or on the Court Documents and Subpoenas page.