
OMCG Exit Program

Outlaw motorcycle gangs

A pathway out of gangs is possible

Exit is a program for adult ex-gang members in Queensland wanting to end their involvement with outlaw motorcycle gangs and the crimes associated with them. 

Commencing in 2020, the program is the first of its kind in Australia.  Exit is an initiative of the Queensland Police Service and Queensland Corrective Services being delivered through government and community partners offering tailored skills programs, mentoring, employment opportunities and health services matched to participants’ needs.

The program is backed by research demonstrating the value such initiatives can have in helping motivated individuals turn their life around and in reducing rates of violence, re-offending and victimisation.

Many gang members regret their decision to join and Exit offers a pathway from gangs. 

You wouldn’t join a gang if you knew the truth

Reducing the attraction and recruitment to outlaw motorcycle gangs is another key part of our crime prevention work.  The QPS and National Anti-Gangs Squad has released an online video series featuring family members affected by OMCG and  ex-gang members who share their personal true stories, warning  you wouldn’t join a gang if you knew the truth. 

These people are speaking out, along with others around the world, on the reality of gang membership.

Real-life experiences from former Queensland OMCG members are also  informing pioneering research.   This research has given a voice to many ex-gang members who offer unprecedented insight into the personal costs associated with OMCG membership and the changing nature of these gangs in Australia.

Project Kairos: Queensland Gangs Exit Program received the gold award in the police-led category of the 2021 Australian Crime and Violence Prevention Awards (ACVPA). Recognised for providing prevention and intervention strategies to reduce harm caused by outlaw motorcycle gangs.

Finalist in the 2021 ATOM Awards, Best Documentary (Short Form) - Gangs Exit Program Prevention Documentary