Annual Report 2011 - 2012

The Queensland Police Service's 2011-12 Annual Report provides information about the Queensland Police Service, how it is governed, its activities, performance and future direction.  The Annual Report also provides an overview of the Queensland Police Service's financial and non-financial performance and the key achievements for 2011-12.

The Queensland Police Service's 2011-12 Annual Report is available as a single complete document, or in sections.

Annual Report Compliance Checklist

The Compliance checklist provides guidance to ensure the Queensland Police Service Annual Report complies with all requirements under the legislation and other reporting requirements, and enables informed decision-making.

Disclosure of Additional Information

Additional Information​ has been published online in lieu of inclusion in the Queensland Police Service Annual Report 2011 - 12 as per the Additional Published Information Requirements for the 2011 - 12 reporting period issued by the Department of the Premier and Cabinet.


The materials presented on this site are provided by the Queensland Government for information purposes only. Users should note that the electronic versions of financial statements on this site are not recognised as the official or authorised version.

The official copy of the annual report, as tabled in the Legislative Assembly of Queensland can be accessed from the Queensland Parliament's tabled papers website database.