Going to court

Have you been charged with an offence and have to go to court?

If you have been issued with a Bail Undertaking or a Notice to Appear (NTA) by police, you are required to appear before a Magistrates Court at the place nominated within the undertaking or NTA. The time and date of your appearance will also be listed in the document served on you by police.

Before you go to court, it is advisable that you obtain a copy of your Court Brief (QP9) which is a document prepared by police, containing a summary about your alleged offence. Your legal representative may require a copy of this document to give you legal advice. See below for details on how to obtain your Court Brief (QP9).

It is advisable that you seek legal advice before going to court.  See below for details on how to obtain legal advice.

It is possible to enter a plea of guilty online for some offences. See below for details on entering a plea of guilty online.

How can I get a copy of my Court Brief (QP9)?

A court brief (QP9) is a summary the police have prepared about your alleged offence.

1) Your legal representative can, with your consent, obtain a copy of your court brief on your behalf;  or

2) You can obtain a copy yourself by contacting your local Police Prosecution Office (PDF). Office hours are Monday to Friday 8am-4pm.

Court briefs will not be disclosed to unrepresented defendants via email. This ensures the privacy of your personal information.

How do I obtain legal advice?

If you have been charged with an offence, it is advisable that you seek legal advice immediately.

  • Legal Aid Queensland (LAQ)
    Phone 1300 65 11 88  (Monday to Friday 8.30am-5pm, cost of local call)
  •  LAQ Indigenous Information Line 
     Phone 1300 65 01 43 (Monday to Friday 8.30am-5pm)
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Legal Service (QLD)
    Phone 1800 012 255 (24hrs/7days) (free call)
  • Private solicitor
    Find a solicitor
How do I enter a plea of guilty online?

You can only plead guilty online if both of these apply:

  1. You have received a complaint and summons or Notice to Appear from a police officer in Queensland;  and
  2. You are required to appear in a Queensland Magistrates Court in relation to a minor offence, such as committing a public nuisance, speeding, or driving uninsured, on an expired licence, unregistered, etc.

Online guilty pleas are not accepted for more serious offences that are to proceed upon indictment (for example serious drug offences, armed robbery, break and enter, fraud, wilful damage and assault etc).

You cannot plead guilty online if your driver licence may be disqualified.

  • When a conviction may result in your driver licence being disqualified, your online guilty plea will not be accepted. This includes offences such as drink driving, driving with a relevant drug, driving while disqualified, etc 
  • You may need to seek legal advice if you are not sure whether your driver licence will be disqualified or if you require your licence for your employment or another reason.

Find out more about pleading guilty online


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