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- Road safety
Road safety is everyone's responsibility. We are committed to reducing the number of deaths on Queensland roads, but we can't do that without your help.
Below are some of the strategies we employ, and also information relating to traffic and road use in general.
If it’s flooded, forget it
In Queensland driving into floodwater is the number one cause of flood-related deaths. Cars are designed to keep us safe on the road but once you hit water, it becomes a completely different story. It doesn't matter what car you drive, or how good you are at driving - as soon as you enter floodwater, your car can’t protect you.
myPolice Road Policing
Keep up to date with the latest in road safety news.
Motorcycle safety
Motorcycles make up around 1 in every 20 vehicles registered in Queensland and while it can be fun, economical and safe, it is important all motorcyclists stay on top of road safety, their riding skills and safety checks. Get the facts and know your vehicle.


Demerit points, leniency and common questions

Red light and speed cameras

Drink driving

Drug driving

Vehicle impoundment
