Wide load escort of a wind turbine.

Wide load application process


Before applying for a police escort you must have an issued, valid copy of a National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR) permit. To apply, visit the NHVR website​.

Do I need a police escort for my planned travel?

If you already have an Excess Dimension Permit from the NHVR, you can check the ‘Specific Conditions of Travel’.

If this specifies any police escorts for any part of the trip, you need to submit an application.

If there is no specification, you do not have a permit, or you are unsure about policing requirements, feel free to contact us via the contact details on the right.

Applying for an escort is a straightforward process, if all the information is received in time. 

If you want to apply for a police wide load escort, you need to include:

  • An issued, valid copy of your NHVR permit.
  • Any required third party approvals.
  • Any additional requirements.

When applying online, you acknowledge and agree to the following;

  • The NHVR permit must be attached when you submit your application.
  • If you do not have a permit attached, your application will be rejected. 

It is recommended to include your third party approvals if you have them.

Each application must be submitted separately, unless it is a convoy/multiple loads movement.

Applications submitted online agree to the schedule of fees outlined in the QPS Schedule of Fees and Charges​.

Please read the Quick Guide before applying - it will help minimise problems when applying.

Note: Additional approvals are required to be included with your application; see Third Party Approvals for details.


Apply online for a police wide load escort


Due to the nature of policing, officers may not be available for your requested time of movement. This office will make every effort to provide officers as requested, but makes no guarantee regarding officer availability and accepts no liability if officers cannot be provided for your requested time of movement. 


Have a question, visit our FAQs page.  



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