Protests and public assembly demonstrations

Under the Peaceful Assembly Act 1992, you have the right to assemble peacefully with others in a public place. Your right to peaceful public assembly is subject to restrictions that are necessary and reasonable for:

  • Protecting public safety;
  • Maintaining public order; and
  • The protection of others' rights and freedoms (including their right to enjoy the natural environment or carry on their business).

A public assembly must be authorised by the police and other relevant local authorities.

Your assembly is deemed authorised if the Notice of Intention was lodged not less than 5 clear business days to the Commissioner or the relevant local authority and a Magistrates Court has not made an order refusing to authorise the assembly.

For information about how to apply to hold a public assembly download the Notice of Intention to Hold a Public Assembly form.

Deliver the completed form to the relevant police station in which the proposed assembly is to be held.

To find out what is required under the Peaceful Assembly Act 1992 go to