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Domestic, Family Violence and Vulnerable Persons Command

The Domestic, Family Violence and Vulnerable Persons Command is committed to the prevention, disruption, investigation and response to domestic and family violence (DFV) and other harms perpetrated to vulnerable Queenslanders, and supports everyone’s right to feel safe and respected and live a life free of violence and abuse.


Our purpose

The Domestic, Family Violence and Vulnerable Persons Command was established in March 2021 by Queensland Police Commissioner Katarina Carroll to deliver sustainable, effective, innovative and efficient policing strategies and responses to drive the prevention, disruption, response to, and investigation of incidents of domestic and family violence and those involving vulnerable persons.

The Command provides a domestic, family violence and vulnerable persons lens over QPS systems, training and processes, and drives the implementation of reform recommendations, to strengthen Service capability to respond to the needs of communities, including victims and those over-represented in the criminal justice system.

The Domestic, Family Violence and Vulnerable Persons Command is the central point of contact for state-wide, national, international, government and non-government entities, stakeholders, and academics for matters pertaining to domestic, family violence and vulnerable persons. In working collaboratively with these entities, the Command will maximise opportunities to improve understanding and positive outcomes for both vulnerable Queenslanders and those impacted by domestic and family violence to make Queensland the safest state.

Our people

Led by Assistant Commissioner Brian Codd, the Command is made up of a diverse team of specialist members who provide high-level strategic and operational advice to support the delivery of Service-wide reforms and policing responses. Command members promote multi-agency partnerships and initiatives and represent the QPS at various State and National forums to ensure continuous learning and business optimisation to enhance the QPS’ strategic response to domestic, family violence and vulnerable persons to better protect victims and hold perpetrators to account.

Key portfolios within the Command include:

  • Disability
  • Domestic and Family Violence
  • Elder Abuse
  • High Risk Teams
  • Mental health
  • Police Referrals
  • Victims Assist Queensland (Police Liaison)
  • White Ribbon
  • Women’s Safety & Justice Taskforce

In addition to the standalone Command, the QPS has Domestic, Family Violence and Vulnerable Persons Units and a range of additional specialist officers to strengthen and improve the local, on-the-ground policing response to vulnerable Queenslanders, including:

  • Cross-Cultural Liaison Officers
  • District Crime Prevention Coordinators
  • District Mental Health Intervention Coordinators
  • District Police Referrals Coordinators
  • Domestic and Family Violence Coordinators
  • LGBTI Liaison Officers
  • Police Liaison Officers
  • Torres Strait Island Police Liaison Officers
Report domestic and family violence

If you or someone you know is experiencing domestic and family violence, report it to police:
•    In an emergency, call triple zero (000)
•    For non-urgent matters, call Policelink on 131 444 (24 hours, 7 days a week)
•    Request police contact online for non-urgent domestic and family violence 

 Domestic and family violence involving QPS members

The QPS does not tolerate domestic and family violence under any circumstances, including when it involves members of the Service.  Robust policies and procedures are in place to address these situations.

All complaints concerning police officers are referred to the QPS’s internal Ethical Standards Command for review, with overview from the Crime and Corruption Commission. Where a protection order or temporary protection order is made against a police officer, the officer is placed on non-operational duties and their authority to carry a firearm is removed. Consideration is also given to the member being stood down without police powers or suspended from duty until a determination is made regarding misconduct.