wide load escort trucks

Processing Times

How long will my application take to process?

Processing times can vary depending on how long the move will take.

As a general rule:

Single-day movements require a minimum of 3 business days to process an application.  (This does not include the day of application or movement)

  • For example: If your movement is required on a Friday, your application must be submitted on Monday.  This allows for the Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday to process your application. 

Movements requiring multiple days must be submitted a minimum of 5 business days beforehand.  (This does not include the day of application or movement).

  • For example: If you require a movement for Saturday, we require the full business week (Monday through Friday) to process the application. Therefore the application needs to be submitted on the Friday beforehand. 

If required information is not received with the initial application, delays in processing may be encountered.