Shooting clubs, ranges and galleries

Posted 29/08/2018

Anyone wishing to operate a shooting club, gallery, range or weapons club must obtain an approval/permit to do so.

People who hold this type of approval/permit may apply for a group licence to allow possession of weapons by the organisation.

Shooting club permit

General information

Any person or group interested in operating a shooting club must first obtain a shooting club permit. A shooting club may hold a shooting club permit only for categories A, B, C shotgun and category H firearms.

Sections 85 and 86 of the Weapons Act 1990 stipulates that only an approved shooting club may conduct target shooting.  A person must not operate a shooting club for sport of target shooting unless the shooting club is an approved club.  Application may be made to an authorised officer to grant a shooting club permit to a shooting club.  The shooting club permit may only be granted to a shooting club whose primary purpose is to conduct sport of target shooting and can be issued for categories A, B, C (shotgun only) and category H firearms.

Applying for a shooting club permit

To apply for a shooting club permit you must complete form 15A – 'application for a shooting club permit'.  This form together with the supporting documentation and prescribed fees may be lodged at your local police station.    

You must ensure the following documentation is provided:

  • Each application must have a person acting as a representative for the club and with the application supply a letter of authority from the club, signed by the governing body supporting their application as the representative. The representative must hold a current Queensland Weapons Act firearms licence.
  • A list of the members of the governing body of the shooting club, including their full name, address, date of birth and details of weapons licences held
  • A copy of the club’s or proposed club’s constitution
  • Details of any affiliation with a shooting organisation or association (e.g. Sporting Shooters Association of Australia or Queensland Rifle Association)
  • Details of your public liability insurer
  • Proposed shooting disciplines to be conducted by the club (e.g. clay target, full bore rifle, pistol)
  • Member lists of the proposed initial club members including full name, address, date of birth and details of weapons licences held
  • Details and location of the proposed range site if any, and
  • Details of any firing rights that have been arranged with another approved club or association for use on their approved shooting range.

Re-approval of your shooting club permit

Shooting club permits are issued for 1 to 5 years.  Before expiry, a new application using form 15A - 'application for a shooting club permit' is required if you wish to retain a current permit.  Applications can be lodged before expiry to eliminate interruption to members or competitions.​

Range approval

​​​General information

Unless otherwise authorised by the Weapons Act 1990, a person may conduct organised target shooting only on an approved range.

Any firearms training courses requiring the discharge of weapons must also be conducted only on an approved range for the category of weapon being used in the training course.

Shooting ranges can be approved for the purpose of sport of target shooting and training with category A, B & H weapons, category C (shotgun) weapons and category M (crossbow) weapons.

Shooting ranges can also be used for training purposes with category C (rim fire) weapons and category D weapons.

Who can approve a range?

Only an authorised officer may approve a range for sports target shooting. 

Who can be issued with a range approval?

A range may be approved only if the range is conducted by:

  • An approved shooting club, or 
  • An incorporated association, or
  • An entity conducting a training course approved by the Commissioner.

Applying for a range approval

To seek approval to begin a shooting range form 15B – 'Application for a shooting range approval or modification must be completed and lodged at your local police station along with the required documentation and prescribed fees

In support of your application you will need to provide:

  • Details of the approved shooting club permit or incorporated association/training entity in control of the proposed range
  • An overhead image (Google Earth Imagery, Qld Globe, NearMap, cadastral or similar maps) showing the actual location of the range in relation to the closest town, city or suburb of approximately 5-10km radius. A 2nd closer image showing the location of the range within approximately 3km of the range location.
  • A scaled, surveyed plan of the proposed site, to include the property boundary, firing point, centre line, target line and stop butt (if applicable)
  • Longitudinal and cross-sectional plans detailing the height, location and nature of the devices proposed to prevent the escape of projectiles
  • Where other than earth embankments are to be utilised, a large scale plan drawing of the intended construction and specifications of materials (e.g. baffles, bullet catcher, enclosures)
  • The type of target system proposed (e.g. turning target, metal target, falling plate, timber, paper target)
  • Photographs of the proposed range site. Aerial photographs are also preferable (in some instances may be required)
  • Details and verification of the entity’s site occupation arrangements (e.g. leasing agreements, property titles or firing rights agreement for the site held by the entity). This is to include the entire danger area.
  • Written non-objection or approval from the local authority or council for the club to conduct the activities at the proposed range site
  • Documentation from the local authority or council advising the area zoning, activities approved for the proposed area, any proposed future activities or zoning of the area (e.g. other sporting venues, housing or industrial development)
  • Categories of the proposed shooting disciplines to be conducted at the range (e.g. clay target, full bore rifle, pistol, archery – clout/target) this is to include advice of match types, weapon types to be used and calibres, and
  • Advice whether the range is to be used for any other purposes (e.g. training or testing firearms/crossbows).

Re-approval of your shooting range permit

Shooting range approvals are issued for 5 years.  At expiry, a new application using form 15B 'Application for a shooting range approval or modification' is required.  Applications can be lodged before expiry to eliminate disruption to members or competitions.​


Gallery approval

Applying for a gallery approval

A shooting gallery consists of an area where live ammunition is to be used and the firearm is mounted so that its barrel must remain within the confines of the gallery.  This, however, does not apply to the use of a paint pellet gun at a shooting gallery used solely for paint-pellet sports involving the discharge of paint pellets at other participants.  

It is an offence to conduct a shooting gallery without the approval of an authorised officer.

You will need to complete form 15C – 'Application for an approval to conduct a shooting gallery.  This application is used to apply for an approval of a fixed (indoor/outdoor), mobile or paint pellet shooting gallery.  This form may be lodged at a Queensland police station or forwarded to Weapons Licensing with the required documentation and prescribed fees.

In support of your application you must attach the following information, required for both indoor/outdoor and mobile shooting galleries:

  • The types of firearms to be used at the proposed shooting gallery
  • The type of ammunition that is to be used at the proposed shooting gallery
  • Where applicable, details of the restraints or mounts to be used to ensure that barrels can only be pointed down range
  • Details of any other physical measures to ensure the safety of shooters, other range users and employees 
  • Details of the measures taken to prevent projectiles departing the gallery confines
  • Where other than earth embankments are to be utilised, a large scale plan or drawing of the intended construction and specifications of materials (e.g. baffles, bullet catcher, enclosures, shade cloth etc)
  • Type of target system proposed (e.g. turning, metal, falling plate, timber, paper targets)
  • Details and verification of the entity’s site occupation arrangements (e.g. leasing agreements, property titles), and
  • Verification of the approval of the local authority council for the body to conduct the activities at the proposed gallery site.

For indoor and mobile shooting galleries:

  • A plan of the proposed gallery and site, drawn to a scale suitable for observing the gallery features.

For outdoor galleries:

  • A plan or map (e.g. BLIN or cadastral) of the proposed range site drawn to a scale of no less than 1:25000, in the escape of projectiles
  • The distance to the nearest residence; and
  • For paintball (Skirmish) fields, whether the fields are visible to the public.

Pictures will assist in the determination of your application.  

For paint pellet shooting gallery (Skirmish)

In support of your application, you must ensure that you attach the following documentation:

  • A plan of the proposed gallery & site drawn to a scale of no more than 1:1000 and no less than 1:4000
  • A locality plan of the proposed range site and surrounding area showing at least a 500m radius of the site (not required for an indoor shooting range application)
  • Details of the height, location and nature of the devices proposed to prevent the escape of projectiles from the gallery 
  • The types of firearms to be used at the proposed shooting gallery 
  • The types of ammunition to be used at the proposed shooting gallery
  • Photographs of the proposed range site
  • Details and verification of the entity’s site occupation arrangements (e.g. leasing agreements, property titles)
  • Verification of the approval of the local authority or council for the body to conduct the activities at the proposed gallery site
  • Documentation from the local authority or council advising the area zoning, activities approved for the proposed area, any proposed future activities or zoning of the area (e.g. other sporting venues, housing or industrial development)
  • The business name you wish to operate under for your gallery approval (if business is incorporated provide a copy of the certificate of incorporation or if business is registered supply a copy of the certificate indicating the registered business), and
  • A list of representatives to be endorsed on the approval (representatives to be endorsed must supply a copy of their weapons licence).

Re-approval of your shooting gallery approval

Gallery approvals are issued for 1-5 years.  At expiry a new application using form 15C - 'Application for approval to conduct a shooting gallery' is required.  Applications can be lodged before expiry to eliminate disruptions to gallery operations. ​


Weapons club approval

​​​​​General information

A person must not conduct a weapons club unless it is approved by an authorised officer.  The authorised officer may approve a weapons club only if satisfied of the primary purpose of the club. 

Primary purpose of the club
  • Crossbow club (archery organisation conducting sports and target shooting)
  • Crossbow club (demonstration of category M crossbows for historical or military re-enactment)
  • Crossbow club (training in the use of category M crossbows by an organisation for historical or military re-enactment), or
  • A recreational shooting club.
Crossbow club

A crossbow club can be:

  • an archery organisation;
  • a historical or military re-enactment organisation that demonstrates the use of category M crossbows; or
  • a genuine historical or military re-enactment organisation that gives training in the use of category M crossbows.
Recreational shooting club

A recreational shooting club is an approved organisation or an association that engages in the sport of hunting using Category A and/or B weapons, and/or category M crossbows.

Application process

An application for a weapons club licence must be made using, Form 15G - Application for approval of a weapons club, and lodged at a police station with the required documentation and prescribed fees.  When completing this form the applicant must specify the primary purpose of the club. 

There are different annexures that may be used by the applicant.  If the primary purpose is:

  • historical/military re-enactment or demonstration use - complete and lodge form 15G - 'Annexure historical or military re-enactment, demonstration use'. Category M only.
  • historical or military re-enactment training only - complete and lodge form 15 G - 'Annexure  historical or military re-enactment training only'. Category M only.
  • recreational shooting - complete and lodge form 15G - 'Annexure recreational shooting'.  Categories A, B and M only
  • sports target shooting - complete and lodge form 15 G - 'Annexure sports target shooting'.  Category M only.

Select one annexure and include it with your application. 

You must also provide the following documentation when applying for sports target shooting purposes:

  • Documentation from the weapons club supporting a member of the association/club to be the representative
  • A list of the members of the governing body of the weapons club including full name, address, date of birth and details of any Weapons Act licences held 
  • A copy of the weapons club or proposed weapons club rules and/or constitution
  • Details of the proposed shooting disciplines to be conducted by the club
  • Details of any affiliation with any shooting organisation or association (eg. Sporting Shooters Association of Australia or Queensland Rifle Association, Archery Associations)
  • Details of any affiliation with any historical association (state, national and/or international)
  • Details of your public liability insurer
  • A list containing between 10 and 30 names of the proposed initial weapons club members, including full name, address, date of birth and details of any Weapons Act licences held
  • Provide information that demonstrates your knowledge and understanding of the safety obligations of an approved weapons club
  • For recreational shooting, details of standard operating procedures for each property owned or approved for recreational shooting, to prevent the risk of death or injury to members and others when conducting recreational shooting on the property/ies, and
  • Details of all construction, equipment and the location of the proposed range site (category M only)
  • Details of any firing rights that have been arranged with another approved club or association for use on their approved shooting range (category M only)

Re-approval of your weapons club approval

Weapons club approvals are issued for 5 years. Before expiry, a new application using form 15G and the required annexure is required if you wish to retain a current approval.  Applications must be lodged before expiry to eliminate interruption to members or competitions.​

Restricted item (laser pointers) approvals

General information

In accordance with section 67 of the Weapons Act 1990, hand held laser pointers with an output of greater than 1 milliwatt are restricted items.  

A person has a ‘reasonable excuse’ to possess or acquire a laser pointer with an output of greater than 1 milliwatt, but less than 20 milliwatts, if the person is a member of a recognised astronomical organisation (RAO), being personally supervised by a member of a RAO or taking part in activities associated with a recognised occupation.

An application may be made to an authorised officer for a recognised astronomical organisation to possess laser pointers for the purposes of section 67 of the Weapons Act 1990.

The holder of a firearms licence may possess or acquire a laser pointer with an output of greater than 1 milliwatt, but less than 10 milliwatts, if the person is using the laser pointer in relation to a firearm for which they are authorised to use.

Applying for a recognised astronomical organisation approval

You are required to submit an 'application for recognised astronomical organisation' form to  Weapons Licensing with the required documentation. Approval may be granted only if the application meets the requirements as defined in the Weapons Act 1990, section 67.

In support of your application, you must ensure that you provide the following information and/or documentation:

  • A copy of the organisation's certificate of incorporation
  • Number of current financial members
  • Organisation’s charter
  • Activities of the organisation
  • Evidence of advice to members on laser pointers
  • Storage requirements as detailed in section 142 Weapons Regulation 2016
  • Members' personal particulars for background checks.

Recognised astronomical organisations

Each of the following is prescribed for section 67(5) of the Act as a recognised astronomical organisation:

  • Astronomical Association of Queensland (AAQ)
  • Astronomy Connect Inc.
  • South East Queensland Astronomical Society
  • Townsville Astronomy Group Inc.​
  • Brisbane Astronomical Society Inc. (BAS)
  • Scenic Rim Astronomy Association Inc.
  • Star Gayzers Inc.
  • Redlands Astronomical Society Inc. (RAS)

Recognised occupations

The following occupations are prescribed for section 67(5) of the Act as a recognised occupation:

  • search and rescue helicopter pilot
  • search and rescue helicopter crew member.