What is consent?

Consent is giving permission for something to happen. When you consent, it is given freely and voluntarily by a person with the cognitive capacity to do so.

You have the right to withdraw consent at any time during sexual activity:

  • Even if you have consented to being with someone, you have have the right to say 'STOP' if you don’t want to do something.
  • Consenting to one kind of sexual act does not automatically mean you consented to another.   

Consent is feeling...

  • Confident
  • Certain
  • Comfortable
  • Willing
  • Sober
  • Informed
  • Respected

Consent is NOT being...

  • Forced
  • Threatened
  • Intimidated
  • Asleep
  • Fearful
  • Misled
  • Drunk or high
  • Disrespected

Meaning of consent - Queensland Criminal Code Act 1899 Section 348