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- Safer Together Rockhampton
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Being safer together in Rockhampton
Welcome to the Queensland Police Service (QPS) Safer Together Rockhampton pilot initiative.
The Safer Together Rockhampton pilot initiative aims to help reduce fear of crime and increase feelings of safety by directly responding to the needs and priorities of residents, including opportunities to:
- connect with the QPS and access news about Rockhampton
- utilise crime prevention support and resources in Rockhampton
- participate in crime prevention and community safety activities
- access crime data about Rockhampton and
- report something to the relevant channel.
Safer Together Rockhampton activities and resources are designed in collaboration with residents like you. The activities and resources aim to promote community safety, resilience, and connections with a focus on home, property and vehicle security.
By working together we can build a safer and more resilient Rockhampton.
For more information, click on the links below:
- Safer Together Rockhampton
The Safer Together - Rockhampton initiative includes:
Community safety campaign:
We have developed a community safety campaign to promote neighbourhood connections and raise awareness of effective ways to reduce home and vehicle theft. This includes insights into how opportunistic thieves operate and some everyday ways people can help protect their property and stay safer together.
Community engagement activities:
DCPC's and other local officers deliver a range of of crime prevention and community safety workshops, talks and pop-up activities.
Stakeholder partnerships:
QPS is partnering with local organisations and government agencies to support the delivery of valuable crime prevention resources within community.
- Q: What can I do to enhance my safety?
A: We all have the right to feel and be safe. While it is important you are aware of and exercise this right, be mindful that you also have responsibility for your own safety. Adopting practical safety strategies can help reduce the risk of victimisation and assist you to respond effectively if your safety is threatened. To help you feel and be safe, the QPS provides education, advice, and resources, including:
Crime prevention and community safety information sheets:
- You can view and download a range of crime prevention information sheets in multiple languages.
Quick links to QPS crime prevention and community safety web pages:
- You can view crime prevention information for the following topics Home Security | Property Security | Vehicle Security | Adult Safety | Seniors Safety | Young People's Safety | Business Security | Victims of Crime
The QPS Stolen Vehicle Portal:
- You can visit and search the QPS stolen vehicle portal to look for stolen vehicles. It is an opportunity to assist QPS to identify stolen vehicles.
The CCTV Community Camera Alliance:
- You can join the CCTV Community Camera Alliance to register your closed circuit television (CCTV) system with the QPS. This initiative is an opportunity for you to assist the QPS via the registration of your CCTV systems to prevent crime and make the community safer.
Volunteer with Crime Stoppers Rockhampton
- You can visit the Crime Stoppers Rockhampton contact page for more information or email rockhampton@csql.com.au
- Q: How do I connect with the QPS and get updates about Rockhampton?
A: There are several ways to connect and receive QPS updates, and crime prevention and community safety information about Rockhampton, including:
Social media:
myPolice website and emails:
- You can view the myPolice Rockhampton news website, and subscribe to receive myPolice email updates about Rockhampton
- You can also view the myPolice Queensland website, and subscribe to receive myPolice email updates about Queensland
Contact your District Crime Prevention Co-ordinator (DCPC)
- You can contact a DCPC in Rockhampton by calling (07) 4932 3692 (week days during business hours only) or emailing CrimePrevention.RKH@police.qld.gov.au
- Q: Where can I access QPS crime prevention support in Rockhampton?
A: There are several opportunities to access QPS crime prevention and community safety support in Rockhampton, including:
Connecting with your District Crime Prevention Co-ordinator (DCPC)
DCPC's can be contacted to help provide crime prevention and community safety support such as:
- Booking a home security assessment;
- Attending a 'Coffee with a Cop' chat;
- Requesting a crime prevention and community safety workshop and
- Requesting anti-theft screws for your vehicle registration plates.
Meeting a Volunteer in Policing (ViP)
ViP's are based with police working to address customer service, community safety and crime prevention needs in the community, such as:
- Providing support to and assisting victims of crime;
- Offering referrals to other agencies;
- Liaising with community groups and participating in community-based activities;
- Conducting home security assessments and property identification;
- Managing key holders index for businesses;
- Participating in crime prevention initiatives;
- Assisting police with customer service and
- Assisting with school-based crime prevention projects.
Connecting with your School Based Police Officer:
The overall purpose of the Policing in Schools capability is to support primary and secondary school aged youth within the school environment to reduce harm, offending behaviours and/or are at risk of educational disengagement. This is achieved through engagement activities, program delivery and referrals, including –
- School Based Police Officers;
- School Support Officers, and
- Adopt-a-Cop opportunities.
Connecting with your Police Liaison Officer (PLO):
Police Liaison Officers (PLOs) are employed by the QPS to establish and maintain a positive rapport between culturally specific communities and the QPS. The role of PLOs is to promote trust and understanding by assisting the community and police to:
- Reduce and prevent crime;
- Divert people from the criminal justice system;
- Advise and educate police officers on culture and cultural issues and
- Improve community knowledge of law and order issues and policing services.
Access early intervention and family support:
- Get involved or attend PCYC Rockhampton who specialise in youth programs and currently run Youth Support Services, Get Set for Work, Drop Ins, Learner Licence Workshops and Braking the Cycle. PCYC Queensland is a charity providing youth and community programs, services and facilities, including outside school hours care, gym and fitness for everyone. Working alongside the QPS to meet community needs across Queensland, together we are building safer, healthier communities through youth development.
- Refer a young person to Project Booyah in Rockhampton
Project Booyah is a Queensland Police, Youth Mentoring Program that utilises adventure based learning, leadership skills, decision making/problem solving exercises, resilience training, policing strategies and family inclusive principles to help young people aged 14-17 years make better life choices! Rockhampton Booyah covers from Yeppoon to Rockhampton to Gracemere to Mount Morgan and everywhere in between and will look to give an opportunity to any youth who wants to change and be the best they can be.
- Q: Where can I access support from other organisations?
A: Police officers use every engagement with community members to identify support needs and offer referrals to external service providers. Referrals can be made for a broad range of social and lifestyle issues, including those that can increase the likelihood of either becoming a victim of or perpetrating crime.
Police officers can connect people with relevant support services under a broad range of categories:
- Community support;
- Domestic violence;
- Family and youth support;
- Health and wellbeing;
- Homelessness;
- Identity theft and fraud;
- Legal;
- Mental health;
- Seniors; and
- Victim support.
For your convenience, we have compiled a list of other organisations that provide various types support.
- Q: Where can I view crime data?
A: There are several places to access data about crime in Rockhampton and Queensland, including:
The Queensland Police Service Online Crime Map
- You can visit the QPS Online Crime Map and filter QPS crime data in a map format to view what has been reported in your area during a particular time period.
myPolice Crime Statistics for Queensland and Rockhampton
- You can view crime statistics for Queensland and Rockhampton and filter QPS crime data in a chart format to view what has been reported in your area during a particular time period.
Trends, reports and annual statistics
- You can view other sources of QPS and Qld Government statistics, such as reported crime trend, offender and victim data.
- Q: When and where do I report something?
When should you call Triple Zero (000)?
- If the crime is happening now.
- When your life or property is in immediate danger.
- When the event is time-critical, for example a fire.
When should you contact Policelink?
- If the crime is not happening now, is not life-threatening or there is no likelihood of the suspected offenders still being in the area – report online to Policelink.
- If you cannot find a relevant form online, and it is a police matter, please call Policelink on 131 444.
- Policelink is available 24/7 and provides Queenslanders with an additional method to report a range of matters, or seek policing advice.
- Online reporting includes, but is not limited to; lost property, non-injury traffic crash, updating reports, party safe registration, etc.
- You can read more about Policelink non-urgent reporting and enquiries.
When should you report something to Crime Stoppers
- If you want to share what you know, not who you are, you can share information anonymously with Crime Stoppers.
- Crime Stoppers Queensland is a registered charity and volunteer community organisation who work closely with police, media and the community. Crime Stoppers exists to help solve, reduce and prevent crime by collecting information and passing on those details to police and other law enforcement agencies to help keep communities and families safe.