Blue light Queensland Group photo

Blue Light Queensland

Queensland Blue Light Association Incorporated (QBLAI) is a not for profit organisation run by Police and Civilian Volunteers.

Our Vision: Every young person to reach their potential and live free of crime

Our Mission: Police, community and young people achieving positive outcomes through early intervention.

Our Values: Respect, Inclusion, Compassion

The first official Blue Light Disco in Queensland was held on the Gold Coast in 1984. The Association was Incorporated in May 1986, and on July 1st 2019 was recognised as a Public Benevolent Institution with Deductible Gift Recipient status by the ATO and ACNC.

Qld Blue Light has developed into a crime reduction initiative, which aims primarily to identify and address the needs of young people at risk. There are currently 77 affiliated branches across Queensland servicing a diverse range of communities.

We deliver more than 500 programs, activities and events each year. These include community events, dance parties and movie nights, sporting activities and early intervention and crime reduction programs.

From the Torres Strait to Mt Isa and Dirranbandi and everywhere in between, regardless of how different Branch activities are, they have three things in common:

  • a Queensland Police Officer in the role of Branch Coordinator
  • the assistance of community volunteers with current Working with Children Blue Cards
  • a passion for community engagement and helping young people to live better lives in a community free from crime.

Qld Blue Light is no longer just a disco, we are tightly aligned with Qld Government priorities and the Qld Police Service strategic plan. We can deliver programs anywhere in Qld – we don’t need designated facilities, we can adapt programs and initiatives to suit all local needs and we pride ourselves in supporting Qld Police stationed in remote and rural areas, with avenues to community engagement and to deliver crime reduction initiatives.

Our Blue EDGE Program (Educate, Develop, Grow, Empower) continues to grow in popularity, and we will be delivering over 30 programs per year for the next three years.