HERO - Criminal Law

Legal Division

Legal Division provides legal, prosecution and information management services for the Queensland Police Service and manages legal relationships with the justice system and government stakeholders and clients.

Legal Division includes professional legal officers, staff members and police officers and has members located throughout the state.

Legal Division Executive Director

Legal Division is led by an Executive Director. The Executive Director performs a dual role as independent legal General Counsel to the Commissioner and Executive Director for the QPS Legal Division. The role of General Counsel is to manage legal relationships with internal and external clients and provide the Commissioner with advice on strategic decisions.

The Executive Director is a member of the QPS Executive Leadership Team.

Prosecution Services

Prosecution Services provides a professional prosecutorial function and legal support in the delivery of high quality, innovative, progressive and responsive policing services.

Prosecution Services' responsibilities include QPS prosecutorial functions, coordination of specialist courts and diversionary programs, operational legal advice and prosecutor training.

Prosecution Services is managed by a Superintendent and comprises the following units:

  • 31 Police Prosecution Corps State wide
  • Operational Legal Advice and Development
  • Prosecution Innovation Programs

Prosecution Services provides prosecutorial services in Queensland Magistrates and Childrens Courts. Prosecutors can be either civilian prosecutors who are legally qualified and admitted lawyers, or sworn police officers who have completed the Prosecutors Training Course.

QPS Legal Services

QPS Legal Services provides legal advice and executive support to the Commissioner and Senior Executive on a range of corporate issues including contractual agreements, civil disputes, statutory interpretation, release of information and partnership agreements. QPS Legal Services also represents the Service before courts (primarily District and Supreme Courts) as well as QCAT and other tribunals in relation to discipline matters, discrimination, inquests, objections, judicial reviews and appeals.

QPS Legal Services includes the central management point for all WorkCover claims and significant and complex litigation matters, including liaison with Crown Law to ensure appropriate, quality information is provided to support the Service in addressing claims.

Crime and Intelligence Legal Services

Crime and Intelligence Legal Services provides specialist legal advice on criminal matters focusing on major and organised crime investigations and associated policy, procedure and legal risk management issues. Legal officers within the unit have specialist legal expertise to provide advice on covert investigations, investigations involving or undertaken in conjunction with other law enforcement agencies and the use of non-conventional policing methods.

Right to Information and Privacy Services

Right to Information and Privacy Services administers and coordinates the activities of the QPS in connection with Right to Information and Information Privacy legislation and exercises the delegated authority of the Commissioner in this area of responsibility. The unit is also responsible for administering the QPS Publication Scheme, Disclosure Log, Gifts and Benefits Register and Sponsorship Register. The unit also liaises with the Office of the Information Commissioner (OIC) and Right to Information Commissioner, which oversees Right to Information in Queensland. The OIC is Queensland's independent statutory body established to promote access to government-held information, and to protect people's personal information held by the public sector.  

The Subpoena Team, attached to Right to Information & Privacy Services:

  • is the authorised delegate to accept service of summonses and subpoenas and other formal notices to produce records on behalf of the Commissioner of the Queensland Police Service
  • ensures that legal process served on the Commissioner is complied with and records are produced to courts and tribunals within required timeframes
  • processes requests for information under statutory record release schemes other than Right to Information (RTI) legislation;
  • provides information to the public as well as legal practitioners who wish to obtain QPS documents for the purposes of court proceedings.

If you are a party to court proceedings and require QPS documents, please refer to the Subpoena Team or contact the team on Phone: (07) 3364 6093. Please note that the Subpoena Team requires 10-14 business days to process an application.

Information Management Services

Information Management Services (IMS) is committed to working in partnership with internal and external clients to deliver evidence-based, consistent, high-quality information management services that enhance public and individual safety.

IMS core responsibilities include:

  • Release of criminal history information and court briefs to internal and external clients that align with delegations and legislation
  • Recording finalised court outcomes pertaining to criminal and traffic matters
  • Data entry and management of warrants
  • Analysing data integrity of traffic crashes, and
  • Maintaining data integrity of entities within QPRIME.