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Police Liaison Officers (PLOs) are employed by the Queensland Police Service to establish and maintain a positive rapport between culturally specific communities and the QPS. The role of Police Liaison Officers is to promote trust and understanding by assisting the community and police to:
- reduce and prevent crime
- divert people from the criminal justice system
- advise and educate police officers on culture and cultural issues, and
- improve community knowledge of law and order issues and policing services.
The specialist 'liaison role' performed by a Police Liaison Officer does not require powers of a police officer. However, they may be called upon to assist police officers with law enforcement tasks in certain circumstances.
What do PLOs do?
Police Liaison Officers have a duty to:
- Liaise with culturally specific communities to foster co-operation and understanding
- Advise police officers on the cultural beliefs, needs and protocols of the community in which they work
- Identify potential crime or disorder problems in the community and advise and assist in prevention strategies
- Establish and maintain communication between the community and police
- Improve community access to policing services and refer to other services where necessary.
These activities assist the Queensland Police Service to be more effective by improving client services, preventing or reducing crime and maintaining community partnerships. Police Liaison Officers play an important role in this process.
How do I recognise a Police Liaison Officer?
Police Liaison Officers wear the same blue uniform as police officers. However, they wear yellow shoulder epaulettes and a 'Police Liaison Officer' name badge on their shirts. In the Torres Strait, Police Liaison Officers wear blue/green shoulder epaulettes. The PLO hat has a yellow chequered band and a 'Police Liaison Officer' badge.
How do I become a PLO?
Vacancies for Police Liaison Officers are advertised on the Queensland Government smart jobs and careers website and a quick search by Category ‘Community Engagement and Education’ or search by Organisation, Queensland Police Service’.
Positions are ‘cultural specific’ and only occur when there is a vacancy in a police district. Information relating to each vacancy should be directed to the police officer noted in the role description section.
What training is involved?
Upon commencing duties Police Liaison Officers are required to attend a two-week induction course delivered at the Queensland Police Academy at Oxley in Brisbane. This course informs Police Liaison Officers of their rights, entitlements, duties and obligations as Queensland Police Service members. In addition, PLOs are encouraged to continue training through the Queensland Police Service staff member training programs and other external agencies to enhance career opportunities and skills portfolios.
How do I find out more?
General enquiries relating to Police Liaison Officers should be referred to local police stations.
Specific PLO vacancies are advertised on the smart jobs and careers website.