When will my permit to acquire a weapon be processed?

Posted 16/08/2018

Applications for permits to acquire are processed in the order they are received.

The time it takes to process applications depends on several factors. These include the amount of new applications received each day and the complexity of the applications.

When applications are incomplete it takes time to follow up and monitor these. This has a big impact on processing and turnaround times.


Make sure your permit to acquire application gets processed as fast as possible

Allow 21 days from the date of the application before following up

If there are exceptional circumstances, for example you need to acquire a weapon urgently for your employment, please send an email to Weapons Licensing with your application reference number, detailing your situation and requirements.


Get help from a club or dealer to prepare your application

We strongly encourage you to contact your local weapons club or dealer to help you complete your permit to acquire application. The club or dealer will ensure you have the required documentation and help you complete the permit application online. This means your application is more likely to be complete and accurate, which means we can process it quicker.


Provide all the documentation required to support your genuine reason

Make sure you understand what’s required and have the correct documents ready before you start your application. For example, you might need a signed club approval form, a wildlife harvesting certificate or deceased estate documentation. These documents can be scanned and uploaded if you’re applying for a permit online; or scanned and emailed to Weapons Licensing (clearly stating your reference or case ID number in the subject line); or mailed to Weapons Licensing that day or the next.


Make sure you have appropriate safe storage

It’s your responsibility to ensure that your licensed weapons are not lost or stolen and do not otherwise come into the possession of people who should not have them. 


Write legibly on paper-based applications

If you are printing your application and completing it by hand, please write legibly, especially in relation to firearm serial numbers. Also make sure you complete all the check boxes. Alternatively, you can fill out the form on a computer, then print it and take it to the police station.


Answer all the questions on the application

A permit to acquire can be issued only if all questions have been answered. If you don’t complete the entire application in full, your application will be delayed while you are requested to complete the missing pages.


Lodging a paper-based permit to acquire application

If you prefer not to apply online, you can lodge your application at a Queensland police station.  Any applications we receive that have not been previously lodged at the police station will be posted back to the applicant.


Important - handling unregistered firearms

A person found in possession of an unregistered weapon may be prosecuted. If you have a weapon which has not been registered in Queensland, you must hand the weapon in to a licensed Queensland dealer or Queensland police station.


Acquiring a firearm from a deceased estate

If you are acquiring a weapon from a deceased estate, you will need to supply supporting information with your application. 

Learn more about deceased estates