Ransomware is a cybercrime where the attacker encrypts the personal files of their target with high grade encryption and prevents the user from accessing their files. They demand a ransom payment to receive the encryption key to allow the victim to recover their files.

How does this work?

The attacker gains access to the victim’s computer and identifies the location of the personal and business files stored. They also look for any online backups the target may use to encrypt those as well, preventing them from recovering their position without paying the ransom.

The skilled cybercriminal will clear the deleted portion of your computer memory to prevent any attempt to recover files.

How do I protect myself?

  • Have multiple versions of backups covering several months. This is as some ransomware does not activate until several months after being installed in the hope of infecting any backup recovery attempts.
  • Be very careful in email management and ensure the security of your devices are up to date. Most ransomware software is delivered through email attachments or links being clicked by the target.
  • Do not open attachments or click on links from emails you receive, especially from people you do not personally know and can verify.
  • Use anti-virus software to detect any malicious software on your devices.
  • Obtain specialist technical support if your device is attacked by ransomware. There are some anti-virus security services that have capabilities in decrypting ransomware.  


Report this crime

This crime should be reported to the Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC).