Police interviewing person behind police tape

Reporting fraud


If you are a victim of a cybercrime, you should report the matter quickly via Report Cyber, so that it can be referred to the right law enforcement agency to investigate. Reporting a cybercrime online via ACSC is simple. You will need to answer some questions about what happened - these should take about 10 to 15 minutes to complete.

More details


If you are a victim of fraud please read and complete the following form; it will be required for assessment and any subsequent investigation (if appropriate) of your complaint.

Step One - 
Complete the Qld Police Fraud Report Form (PDF) and print it out.

Step Two - 
You will need to take this completed form and documentation as requested therein to your Local Police Station
(Note: If you have consulted a legal practitioner regarding this matter, their assistance may be valuable in preparing the information requested.)

Step Three - 
If your report is assessed and determined that it will be investigated by the QPS, the information will be placed on the QPS case management system called Qprime.  You will be provided a report number starting with QP………. which you will need to quote in any future correspondence.

Please be aware that the criminal law is not about recovering money for the victim.  That is the aim of the civil law.

In many instances where people lose money it is not criminal, but civil, particularly in matters involving breaches of contract, or non-payment of debts. Police cannot investigate civil matters. Please be aware that police are unable to recover money.

Police investigate criminal matters in order to place evidence before a court. Civil action is the most appropriate method of recovering money.  If you want to take civil action, speak to the Clerk of the Local Court, which can be located at the following link: Courthouses contacts - Queensland Courts, or a solicitor.

If your fraud matter is assessed and a decision is made that the QPS will investigate the complaint, the Financial and Cyber Crime Group may not necessarily be the appointed investigators in your matter. It is most likely that the matter will be referred to detectives located in the area where the offence of fraud has occurred.

You will be provided a report number starting with QP………. which you will need to quote in any future correspondence so keep this in a safe place.