Policelink – non-urgent reporting and enquiries

When should you contact Policelink?

When you need to report non-urgent police matters, use this website or call 131 444. Policelink is available 24/7 and provides Queenslanders with an additional method to report a range of matters, or seek policing advice.

Online reporting includes, but is not limited to; lost property, non-injury traffic crash, updating reports, party safe registration, etc. Access Policelink online reporting at www.police.qld.gov.au/reporting

Think first: If the crime is not happening now, is not life-threatening or there is no likelihood of the suspected offenders still being in the area – report online or call 131 444.

When should you call Triple Zero (000)?

  • If the crime is happening now
  • When your life or property is in immediate danger
  • When the event is time-critical, for example a fire.

Benefits of Policelink

When you contact Policelink online or by phone, you are helping reduce the number of calls to police stations, and 000 contact centres.

Policelink allows our resources to be re-invested into other priorities and proactive functions which will be to the benefit of Queenslanders.

A more efficient way for everyone

Policelink is the primary contact point for the Queensland Police Service. Policelink was introduced in 2010 as a central contact point across the state, to enhance our ability to respond in a professional and timely manner.

The contact centre is staffed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. By phoning 131 444, you will speak with a Policelink Client Service Officer who can assist to generate a non-urgent property incident report, provide answers to general police enquiries, among other functions.

How is Policelink changing?

Policelink has continued to grow since inception. There has been improvements made to enable online reporting, updates, registration, and complaint/query lodgement. This has allowed for Queenslanders to contact Policelink by their preferred channel, with an increasing shift to online access across all service providers.

A Policelink Client Service Officer will take action when receiving these items. Online reporting is available for use when a report number is not required immediately and there is no requirement for immediate police action.

What happens when you call 131 444?

When you contact Policelink, a Client Service Officer will answer your call and, where required, will seek clarification/advice from a police officer working at Policelink.

The Client Service Officer will capture your non-urgent report/s and assist with general police enquiries.

Where appropriate, they may issue you with a report number for insurance purposes or for follow-up enquiries.

If you do not speak English, when you call Policelink you will be provided an interpreter to help you with your report at no cost.


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