McGillycuddy war grave
Private, 12th Light Trench Mortar Battery A.I.F.
Bundaberg Police Station
Date of Passing
8 July 1918

Plaque Location

McGillycuddy touchstone
1 - Left leg


Thomas McGillycuddy migrated from Ireland to Australia at the age of 21 and a year later joined the Queensland Police on 30 September 1913. He embarked from Sydney aboard the HMAT Ayrshire A33 on 1 September 1915 as part of the 15th Infantry Battalion. Private McGillycuddy saw action at Gallipoli from 13 November until the main withdrawal in December. Following the withdrawal, the A.I.F. was re-organised and McGillycuddy along with other members of the 15th were re-assigned to the 47th Battalion. The 47th saw their first action in 1916 at the Battle of Pozieres in France. Private McGillycuddy was injured on 10 August, receiving wounds to his left hip, thigh and right foot. He was evacuated to England and did not return to his unit until 4 May 1917. During the Battle of Messines Ridge in June 1917, Private McGillycuddy was wounded a second time, receiving gunshot wounds to the left arm. On his return the 47th had been disbanded due to the depletion of men through casualty. McGillycuddy was absorbed into the 45th Battalion and detached to the 12th Light Trench Mortar Battery. During the Battle of Hamel on 8 July 1918, the Germans retaliated with a heavy barrage of gas and explosive shells during which time Private McGillycuddy was killed. He was 26.