Officer overlooking Brisbane

Police Multicultural Advisory Group

The Police Multicultural Advisory Group (PMAG) is an advisory body to the Queensland Police Service (QPS), designed to make recommendations intended to improve key policing activities, responses and practices which impact multicultural people and communities in Queensland.

Commitment / purpose

The QPS is committed to engaging and working together with the PMAG and multicultural communities within Queensland to improve QPS decision-making to prevent discrimination and promote inclusion.

Focus / role

The guidance and advice from the PMAG will enhance organisational cultural capability and cultural responsiveness, strengthen relationships between the QPS and multicultural people and communities within Queensland and ultimately contribute to building a safer state. The PMAG focus is on state-wide initiatives. Where applicable, local matters will be referred to the relevant districts for their information and attention.

Key responsibilities

The key responsibilities and scope of the PMAG are to contribute to:

  • The development of internal and external organisational policing strategies to enhance QPS engagement with and response to culturally, linguistically and faith diverse individuals and communities
  • Informed discussions with culturally, linguistically and faith diverse individuals, communities and key stakeholders including through local decision-making bodies in their respective capability
  • Act in the best interests of multicultural communities
  • Contribute to a Hate Crimes Scrutiny Panel.


The QPS Commissioner will chair the PMAG. All meetings will be co-chaired by the Commissioner and a nominated member of the PMAG as the deputy chair.

The Commissioner may nominate an appropriate delegate to fulfill the role of chair for the purpose of consistency and availability.

Deputy chair

An elected member of the PMAG will co-chair all meetings with the chair under the role of deputy chair.


The Multicultural Affairs Unit within the Communications, Culture and Engagement Division will hold secretariat responsibilities for the PMAG.


The PMAG membership will comprise the number of persons determined and appointed by the Chair through the Selection process. To promote stability, the PMAG will maintain a minimum of 9 members and a maximum of 15 members.

When appointing any person to the PMAG, the Chair / selection panel will give regard to:

  • Ensuring diversity in gender, age, location, interest areas, cultural background, cultural intelligence and diversity in skillsets and experiences is represented wherever possible.
  • Vulnerable and marginalised ethnic and cultural groups including those from refugee backgrounds is represented wherever possible.
  • Knowledge and/or experience with government, community organisations, academia and knowledge of the carceral system and human rights.
  • Members should have a high level of integrity.
  • Members will possess strong community links, experience and knowledge to support their role.

Read more about the PMAG members

Term of membership

The period of appointment of each member will be determined by the Chair, based upon the identified needs of the QPS and the PMAG. With a standard of a two (2) year tenure to be recorded in the Expression of Interest.