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The Queensland Police Service takes hate crimes and vilification seriously. If you have been affected by or have witnessed a hate crime occurring within your community, we encourage you to report this to your local police.
A hate crime can occur anywhere or at any time. Hate crimes are specific criminal acts which are motivated by hate and based on prejudice or bias against an individual, or a group of individuals, because of their:
- race (for example, being First Nations, or Chinese)
- religion (for example, being Muslim, or Jewish)
- sexuality (for example, being lesbian, gay, or bisexual)
- sex characteristics (for example, being intersex)
- gender identity (for example, being transgender, or non-binary).
When particular crimes are motivated by hatred or prejudice because the victim has one or more of these characteristics, the penalty imposed by the court may be tougher than usual. This is called an ‘aggravated offence’. The crimes that may be aggravated because they are motivated by hate and applies to the following specific criminal acts:
- going armed so as to cause fear
- threats, including threatening violence
- assault (common assault, assault occasioning bodily harm)
- disturbing religious worship
- stalking, intimidation, harassment or abuse
- wilful damage
- public nuisance
- trespass.
Vilification is any kind of public communication that incites hatred, contempt or ridicule of a person or a group of people because of their:
- race
- religion
- sexuality
- sex characteristics
- gender identity.
From 1 July 2025, the law will protect people on the basis of their age, sex and impairment.
Vilification can include:
- Someone shouting threats or comments at you (based on protected characteristics)
- Leaflets, stickers, graffiti or posters
- Written articles or comments online
- Flags, emblems and symbols
- T-shirts or other clothing
- Making gestures.
There are two types of vilification under Queensland law: Unlawful Vilification, and Serious Vilification.
Unlawful Vilification
Unlawful vilification is when someone publicly incites hatred, severe ridicule, or serious contempt of someone else because of their race, religion, gender identity, sex characteristics or sexuality. Unlawful vilification is a civil matter, not a criminal one. Complaints about unlawful vilification can be made to the Queensland Human Rights Commission.
- Eg: someone racially abusing an Indian family and using racist slurs about them in a social media post.
Serious Vilification
Serious vilification is where the vilification involves a threat of harm to someone or their property, or an incitement for others to do so. Serious vilification is a criminal matter and an offence under the Queensland Criminal Code, and can be reported to police.
- Eg: someone threatening to assault a same-sex couple because they are holding hands in public.
While hate crimes involve criminal acts, discrimination is a different form of prejudice. Discrimination can have long-lasting and serious impacts, and can create a hostile or threatening environment for the person or community targeted.
Queensland’s discrimination law makes it unlawful to treat someone unfairly because of specific personal characteristics such as race, religion, age, sex, sexuality, impairment, and other attributes.
If you have been discriminated against at work, school, in your dealings with government, or in seeking goods and services, you can lodge a complaint with the Queensland Human Rights Commission.
Reporting hate crime is important for several reasons
Communities play a vital role in supporting each other and standing united against hate crimes. By reporting incidents, we enable law enforcement agencies to address these issues more effectively while creating a safer environment for all.
Open dialogue and increased awareness are key to preventing hate-motivated offenses.
If you or someone you know experiences or witnesses a hate crime, contacting local police is essential for seeking justice and support.
How to report hate crime or serious vilification
Contact the police on Triple Zero (000)
- If the hate crime or serious vilification incident is happening now?
- If anyone is seriously injured or in immediate danger?
- If anyone’s life being threatened?
For non-life-threatening incidents, consider reporting
- Online at Policelink or 131 444 (available 24/7)
- Online at Crime Stoppers or 1800 333 000
What to expect when you make a report
When reporting an incident, always provide your location and describe what you've experienced or witnessed in detail.
During the initial investigation, police officers may interview victims and witnesses, record details, assess the need for victim protection, and collect physical evidence.
While you can remain anonymous, please note that this may limit how the police can proceed with the investigation. We strongly encourage you to report any hate-motivated crimes you observe in your community.

Hate Crime A3 Poster and Brochure
English Hate Crime A3 Poster (PDF) - Hate Crime Brochure (PDF)
Filipino Hate Crime A3 Poster (PDF) - Hate Crime Brochure (PDF)
Hindi Hate Crime A3 Poster (PDF) - Hate Crime Brochure (PDF)
Korean Hate Crime A3 Poster (PDF) - Hate Crime Brochure (PDF)
Punjabi Hate Crime A3 Poster (PDF) - Hate Crime Brochure (PDF)
Simplified Chinese Hate Crime A3 Poster (PDF) - Hate Crime Brochure (PDF)
Vietnamese | Arabic Hate Crime A3 Poster (PDF) - Hate Crime Brochure (PDF)
Hebrew Hate Crime A3 Poster (PDF) - Hate Crime Brochure (PDF)
Japanese Hate Crime A3 Poster (PDF) - Hate Crime Brochure (PDF)
Persian Hate Crime A3 Poster (PDF) - Hate Crime Brochure (PDF)
Samoan Hate Crime A3 Poster (PDF) - Hate Crime Brochure (PDF)
Traditional Chinese Hate Crime A3 Poster (PDF) - Hate Crime Brochure (PDF)