Police Headquarters

Commissioner's welcome

Commissioner Steve Gollschewski

Every day the Queensland Police Service, your police service, works tirelessly to ensure the safety and security of the community.


Police officers around the state show courage and dedication in exercising their duties.


We don’t seek credit for this work. It is our job.


We only ask that the community joins with us to stop crime, make the community safer and build relationships.


It is pleasing that in many areas this is happening on a daily basis.


As with any large organisation, there are plenty of people who support us and others who do not always agree with everything we do.


I ask that the community make up their own minds.


In addition to the traditional methods of sharing details about our organisation and its work, a large amount of our information is now available at your fingertips.


Online crime maps and statistics are now available in great detail on the QPS Crime Map. One aim is for users to become familiar with their area and engage in appropriate crime prevention strategies, partnering with police to ensure a safer community.


I am immensely proud of the work the men and women of the QPS do, and of the support we receive from the general community and other important stakeholders.


The QPS is an organisation focused on improvement and review, and we will continue to strive to provide the best possible policing service to you all, every day.


Steve Gollschewski APM

Commissioner Steve Gollschewski

Commissioner of the Queensland Police Service (QPS) Steve Gollschewski APM has more than 44 years of experience in policing, disaster management, governance and reform. He started acting in the position on 2 March 2024 and was successfully appointed on 22 April 2024.

Before his most recent appointment, Steve was selected by the Premier of Queensland to be the Special Coordinator for Police and Emergency Services Reform in December 2022, following the Commission of Inquiry into Police Responses to Domestic and Family Violence.

As Special Coordinator, Steve provided oversight of the reforms of the QPS including those arising from the Women’s Safety Justice Taskforce, the Commission of Inquiry into Police Responses to Domestic and Family Violence, the Commission of Inquiry into DNA, as well as a number of associated inquiries, inquests and reviews along with in-flight QPS reforms.  The SCR also provides oversight of the Disaster and Emergency Management Reform (via the Reform Implementation Taskforce) which are delivering significant transformational activities and Machinery of Government changes impacting QPS, emergency services and relevant agencies.

In his role as the former State Disaster Coordinator for Queensland, Steve was the Commander for the operational response to the global COVID-19 pandemic in support of the public health authorities.

He has extensive experience in disaster management and has been responsible for coordinating the Queensland Government response to weather related emergencies including the Toowoomba and Lockyer Valley floods in 2011, flood evacuation of St George in 2012 and Cyclone Oswald in Bundaberg in early 2013. He also coordinated the overall disaster responses to Cyclones Ita, Marcia, Nathan and Debbie along with the state-wide fire responses in 2019 and the severe flooding in southern Queensland during early 2022.

In 2018, Steve led the largest security operation in Australia for the decade as Commander of Operational Sentinel at the 2018 Commonwealth Games. He has also managed the initial QPS planning and preparation for the security of the Brisbane Olympic and Paralympic Games 2032.

He has led a number of reviews and major restructures, including a 2013 restructure of the QPS and the globally leading and recognised QPS Mobile Services Program which delivered over 7,000 smart devices to frontline police.  

Steve holds key governance roles on a number of boards and committees, including the QPS Board of Management and the Demand and Capability Committee.

He is a graduate of the AFP Management of Serious Crime Program, the Leadership in Counter-Terrorism (LinCT) program, ANZSOG, and is a graduate – and program visiting fellow – of the Australian Institute of Police Management. He has completed post graduate studies in Leadership through Charles Sturt and Harvard universities.