Police officer

Violence and Anti-Social Behaviour

The laws in Queensland give police the power to respond quickly and effectively to alcohol and drug-related violence and antisocial behaviour, in and around places where alcohol is being sold and supplied. This includes licensed premises, special areas known as Safe Night Precincts and public events where alcohol is sold for consumption. By law, we can ban you from these places if you have behaved in a disorderly, offensive or violent way, whether or not alcohol or drugs are involved.


Police Banning Notices

A police banning notice is a notice from a police officer that stops you from entering or remaining in:

  • a stated licensed premises
  • a Safe Night Precinct
  • a public event where alcohol is being sold
  • an area which is a reasonable distance from any of the above (e.g. 500m from a stated licensed premise or Safe Night Precinct).

Police may issue you a police banning notice if you:

  • behave in a disorderly, offensive, threatening or violent way; and
  • do so at, or near to, a relevant public place; and
  • your ongoing presence, or presence in the immediate future, at the relevant public place and any other place stated in the notice, poses an unacceptable risk of:
  1. causing violence; or
  2. impacting on the safety of other persons attending; or
  3. disrupting or interfering with the peaceful passage, or reasonable enjoyment of other persons, at the places.

A police banning notice does not prevent you from entering your home, workplace or place of education. The police banning notice will last for 10 days, or if the notice applies to a particular event, up until that event finishes.


Extended Police Banning Notices

You may also be given an extended police banning notice. This can extend the banning period for up to 3 months from the starting time of the initial police banning notice issued. It can also ban you from additional places. An extended police banning notice may be given based on a range of factors, including the type of behaviour that led to the initial police banning notice being given and whether you have previously been issued a police banning order. An extended police banning notice does not prevent you from entering your home, workplace or place of education.


Can police take my photo?

If a police officer is giving you a police banning notice they also have the power to detain you to take your photo.


Is information on my police banning notice distributed?

Yes. Information about your police banning notice, including your photo, can be distributed by police to licensees to prevent you from entering the places stated in the notice. This information (and information on other types of bans) is also distributed to approved ID scanners in licensed venues located within Safe Night Precincts.


What happens if I enter or attempt to enter a place that I have been banned from?

It is an offence to disobey a banning order / notice, including attempting to enter a place that you have been banned from. If the licensed premise is linked through an approved ID scanner, police will automatically be notified, and a police officer will investigate the offence.


Can I apply to have the police banning notice amended or cancelled?

Yes. You can apply to the Commissioner of Police to have a police banning notice amended or cancelled.

Find out how to do this online.


Are there other ways I can be banned?

Yes. You can be banned as a condition of your bail, if you are charged with an offence, or if a court banning order is made by a court. You can be banned from entering or remaining in stated licensed premises, a Safe Night Precinct and/or public event where alcohol is being sold. Licensees can also ban patrons from their licensed premises to deal with disorderly, offensive or violent behaviour and provide a safe environment in and around their premises.