Individual licence types

Posted 18/06/2020

If you live in Queensland and wish to own or use a gun, crossbow, paintball gun or some knife types , you must hold a weapons licence.

Before you can apply, you will need to select the correct type of weapons licence – this will depend on the type of firearms or weapons you want to possess and use. This will also depend on your genuine reason for needing the weapons. This page has more information about the types of weapons licence, so you can decide which may be most appropriate for you.

Firearms licence

This is the most common type of weapons licence in Queensland. It allows you to possess and use single shot or manual repeating rifles and shotguns (categories A and B). Genuine reasons for a firearms licence include sports or target shooting, recreational or occupational reasons (for example, if you work in primary production). It is possible to possess a semi-automatic rifle or shotgun (categories C and D) under a firearms licence, but you will need to justify a special reason to possess these more powerful weapons.

For all the firearms licence genuine reason types and supporting documents to supply when applying for a new weapons licence

Concealable firearms licence

A concealable firearms licence allows you to possess and use air pistols, centre-fire pistols, black powder or rim-fire pistols (category H) that are under 75cm in length, except powerheads. A pistol that is rendered permanently inoperable is still a category H firearm and requires registration to a weapons licence. Genuine reasons for a concealable firearms licence can be sports or target shooting, primary production and some occupational reasons.

All the concealable firearms licence genuine reason types and supporting documents to supply when applying for a new weapons licence

Minor's licence

A minor’s licence can only be issued to someone between the ages of 11 and 17 years. Once you turn 18, you will need to apply for an adult licence, as your minor’s licence will no longer be valid.

A minor’s licence allows you to possess and use rifles, shotguns and pistols (categories A, B, C and H only). Genuine reasons for a minor's licence include sports or target shooting, primary production or rural employee on rural land. Minor’s licences may also allow you to use a category C weapon for clay target shooting or occupational reasons.

All the minor's licence genuine reason types and supporting documents to supply when applying for a new weapons licence

Miscellaneous weapons licence

A miscellaneous weapons licence allows you to possess and use weapons such as crossbows, some knives and martial arts weapons, and body armour (Categories E and M). Genuine reasons for a miscellaneous weapons licence include crossbow for sports or target and recreational shooting or historical, military re-enactments and martial arts.

Learn more about the weapons categories.

All the miscellaneous weapons licence genuine reason types and supporting documents to supply when applying for a new weapons licence

Blank-fire firearms licence - sporting events or theatrical productions

Blank-fire firearms licences allow the possession and use of blank-fire firearms for two purposes only. To start sporting events, or for use in theatrical productions. A blank-fire firearms licence can be issued to a theatrical organisation, or an athletic or other sporting organisation.

When you apply for a new licence application for a Blank-fire firearms licence, you must provide the supporting documents as listed below, with your application and as evidence of your genuine reason:  

  • Safety Course Certificate – Your statement of attainment for an approved firearms safety course, covering the category of weapon you’re applying for.
  • Supporting letter - Business/Employer Letterhead – A current and signed letter on a business letterhead verifying: 
    • the position held by the applicant,
    • the authority for the applicant to be the representative for the licence,
    • the nature of the duties undertaken in the conduct of your business/occupation,
    • the reason(s) why firearms are necessary: a full description of the activities for which the weapon/s will be used,
    • the category(s) of firearms required to use.

Further information about what safety course you need to complete for this type of licence

Documentation required when renewing Blank-Fire Firearm licence:-   

  • Supporting letter - Business/Employer Letterhead – A current and signed letter on a business letterhead verifying:
    • the position held by the applicant,
    • the authority for the applicant to be the representative for the licence,
    • the nature of the duties undertaken in the conduct of your business/occupation,
    • the reason(s) why firearms are necessary: a full description of the activities for which the weapon/s will be used,
    • the category(s) of firearms required to use.
Security licence (guard) - employee

A security guard is a person who patrols, protects, watches over or protects their own or someone else’s property, as part of their own business or as an employee of a security organisation. There are three (3) types of individual security guard licences:

When you apply for a new licence application for a Security licence (guard) - Employee, you must provide the supporting documents listed below, with your application and as evidence of your genuine reason:  

Statement of Attainment issued within the last 12 months from a Registered Training Organisation, as proof of successful completion of the CPP31318 Certificate 111 in Security Operations

  • CPPSEC3101 – Manage conflict and security risks using negotiation
  • CPPSEC3103 – Determine and implement response to security risk situation
  • CPPSEC3102 – Maintain operational safety and security of the work environment
  • CPPSEC3114 – Control security risk situations using firearms

The final course unit, CPPSEC3114 Control security risk situations using firearms, has the following compulsory prerequisites (the prerequisite you complete must be for the specific categories of firearms you are applying for the licence, for example categories C, E or H (revolver and/or semi-automatic):

  • CPPSEC3115 – Carry, operate and maintain revolvers for security purposes
  • CPPSEC3116 – Carry, operate and maintain semi-automatic pistols for security purposes
  • CPPSEC3117 – Carry, operate and maintain shotguns for security purposes


  • The relevant units of competency from the course in firearms safety 10618NAT
  • Proof of occupation – security provider licence – A copy of the front and back of your current Security Provider licence (issued by the Office of Fair Trading) ensuring cash in transit (CIT) is listed as a licence function and the expiry date is shown.


Documentation required when renewing Security Guard Employee licence:-   

  • Security Guard Requalification – Proof of successful completion of the annual requalification of an approved safety training course (security guard) by providing a “Statement of Attainment” for the categories of weapons in which you are renewing.  This is to be completed by an authorised Registered Training Organisation within 60 days prior to lodgement of renewal application. 
  • Proof of Occupation – Security Provider Licence – Copy of front and back of current Security Provider (SP) licence (issued through Office of Fair Trading) ensuring cash in transit (CIT) is listed as a licence function and a current expiry date is shown.

Please note:- Do NOT submit your renewal application until the day after you have completed the security guard requalification.  All renewal applications must be submitted at least one day prior to the expiry date. 

Further information about what safety course you need to complete for this type of licence

Security licence (guard) - Sole provider

This licence relates to persons working to provide armed security services to others as a sole trader and not employing others.

Note: This type of licence does not authorise the contracting or sub–contracting of duties with another Security Organisation or licensee.

When you apply for a new licence application for a Security licence (guard) - Sole provider, you must provide the supporting documents as listed below, with your application and as evidence of your genuine reason: 

Statement of Attainment issued within the last 12 months from a Registered Training Organisation, as proof of successful completion of the CPP31318 Certificate 111 in Security Operations

  • CPPSEC3101 – Manage conflict and security risks using negotiation
  • CPPSEC3103 – Determine and implement response to security risk situation
  • CPPSEC3102 – Maintain operational safety and security of the work environment
  • CPPSEC3114 – Control security risk situations using firearms

The final course unit, CPPSEC3114 Control security risk situations using firearms, has the following compulsory prerequisites (the prerequisite you complete must be for the specific categories of firearms you are applying for the licence, for example categories C, E or H (revolver and/or semi-automatic):

  • CPPSEC3115 – Carry, operate and maintain revolvers for security purposes
  • CPPSEC3116 – Carry, operate and maintain semi-automatic pistols for security purposes
  • CPPSEC3117 – Carry, operate and maintain shotguns for security purposes


  • The relevant units of competency from the course in firearms safety 10618NAT
  • Proof of occupation – Security provider licence – A copy of the front and back of your current Security Provider licence (issued by the Office of Fair Trading) ensuring cash in transit (CIT) is listed as a licence function and the expiry date is shown.
  • Enterprise type details – A copy of the registered business or company name providing details of the type of enterprise (eg. sole proprietor or partnership etc) including the extract detailing the office holders of the business/company.
  • Council Approval – Written approval from your local council/authority which gives direct approval for your intended business or states that there is no objection to your intended business operating from the business operation address.
  • Storage Facility – A description of facilities in place for the storage of weapons, including details of the safe/vault location, construction and weight.
  • Supporting letter – Business plan – Copy of your Business Plan with Business Name including details of the procedure in place if you are unable to meet contractual duties due to illness or injury.
  • Proof of business address for the business premise e.g. rates notice or lease agreement
  • Company client list – that verifies there is a need for applicant to provide an armed service – a list of potential clients and letters on company letterhead which include the following information:
    • author’s name, address and contact numbers
    • nature of the services required by the business (e.g. cash in transit, bringing change back from bank etc.)
    • frequency of the services required (e.g. twice per week)
    • value of the property being escorted
    • perceived risks that require possession of a firearm 
    • arrangements to be put in place should sole provider be unavailable for work
    • details of the address where the business will be conducted from

Further information about what safety course you need to complete for this type of licence

Documentation required when renewing Security Guard Sole Provider licence:-

  • Security Provider Licence – Copy of front and back of current Security Provider (SP) licence (issued through Office of Fair Trading) ensuring cash in transit (CIT) is listed as a licence function and a current expiry date is shown. 
  • Security Guard Requalification – Proof of successful completion of the annual requalification of an approved safety training course (security guard) by providing a “Statement of Attainment” for the categories of weapons in which you are renewing.  This is to be completed by an authorised Registered Training Organisation within 60 days prior to lodgement of renewal application. 

Please Note: Do NOT submit your renewal application until a day after you complete your requalification. All renewals must be submitted at least one day prior to expiry date.

  • Security Guard Register (Form 32) – A copy of the last two completed pages of your register (Part A and Part B which is both sides of the open book). 
  • Company Client List that verifies there is a need for applicant to provide an armed service.  A list of potential clients and letters on company letterhead which include the following information: 
    • The author’s name, address and contact number/s 
    • The nature of the services required by the business (e.g. cash in transit, bringing change back from bank etc) 
    • The frequency of the services required (e.g. twice per week) 
    • Value of the property being escorted
    • Perceived risks that require possession of a firearm 
    • The arrangement to be put in place should sole provider be unavailable for work 

Details of the address where the business will be conducted from

Security licence (guard) - Business

This licence relates to a person who is seeking to protect their own property and not provide any security services to others. Note: This licence does not permit the licensee to engage in security services for other persons.

When you apply for a new licence application for a Security licence (guard) - Business, you must provide the supporting documents as listed below, with your application and as evidence of your genuine reason:  

Statement of Attainment issued within the last 12 months from a Registered Training Organisation, as proof of successful completion of the CPP31318 Certificate 111 in Security Operations

  • CPPSEC3101 – Manage conflict and security risks using negotiation
  • CPPSEC3103 – Determine and implement response to security risk situation
  • CPPSEC3102 – Maintain operational safety and security of the work environment
  • CPPSEC3114 – Control security risk situations using firearms

The final course unit, CPPSEC3114 Control security risk situations using firearms, has the following compulsory prerequisites (the prerequisite you complete must be for the specific categories of firearms you are applying for the licence, for example categories C, E or H (revolver and/or semi-automatic):

  • CPPSEC3115 – Carry, operate and maintain revolvers for security purposes
  • CPPSEC3116 – Carry, operate and maintain semi-automatic pistols for security purposes
  • CPPSEC3117 – Carry, operate and maintain shotguns for security purposes


  • The relevant units of competency from the course in firearms safety 10618NAT
  • Proof of occupation – Security provider licence – A copy of the front and back of your current Security Provider licence (issued by the Office of Fair Trading) ensuring cash in transit (CIT) is listed as a licence function and the expiry date is shown.
  • Enterprise type details – A copy of the registered business or company name providing details of the type of enterprise (eg. sole proprietor or partnership etc) including the extract detailing the office holders of the business/company.
  • Evidence of Property Protection – Verification of the property/valuables being protected. Evidence may include:
  • copies of bank statements
  • copies of invoices / receipts relating to the sale or purchase of property/stock which is being protected
  • other documents confirming the said property (e.g. asset statements)
  • Business Activities List – A description of the business activities where the weapon is required. This should include the following details:
  • when the weapon will be in possession, 
  • where the weapon will be in possession and,
  • how often the weapon will be in possession
  • Storage Facility – A description of facilities in place for the storage of weapons, including details of the safe/vault location, construction and weight
  • Supporting Letter – Business Plan – Copy of your Business Plan with Business Name – including the following:
  • Advice about the risks you’ve identified and what action has been taken to reduce these risks
  • Advice about the incidents you have been involved with, either directly or indirectly
  • Outline any other alternate measures that may be available other than the issue of a licence of this type
  • Details addressing why your need to possess a weapon is greater than the need to ensure public safety
  • Details of how the carriage of a loaded weapon in public will reduce the risk to the community and yourself
  • Details of current security measures relevant to the protection of the valuables. This may include security at a place (e.g. residence) or during transport
  • Details of the security organisation currently protecting the valuables
  • Advice as to the banking facilities used and the frequency of this banking
  • Advice as to why alternate security or business practices cannot be utilised 
  • Details of any special circumstances that support the application for this licence (eg. isolation, disability)
  • Proof of business address for the business premise e.g. rates notice or lease agreement.

Documentation required when renewing Security Guard Business licence:-

  • Security Provider Licence – Copy of front and back of current Security Provider (SP) licence (issued through Office of Fair Trading) ensuring cash in transit (CIT) is listed as a licence function and a current expiry date is shown. 
  • Security Guard Requalification – Proof of successful completion of the annual requalification of an approved safety training course (security guard) by providing a “Statement of Attainment” for the categories of weapons in which you are renewing.  This is to be completed by an authorised Registered Training Organisation within 60 days prior to lodgement of renewal application. 

Please Note: Do NOT submit your renewal application until a day after you complete your requalification. All renewals must be submitted at least one day prior to expiry date.

  • Security Guard Register (Form 32) – A copy of the last two completed pages of your register (Part A and Part B which is both sides of the open book). 
  • Business Activities – A description of the business activities where the weapon is required. This should include the following details: 
  • when the weapon will be in possession
  • where the weapon will be in possession
  • advice as to any incidents you have been involved with either directly or indirectly to warrant the need for the weapon
  • details addressing why your continued need to possess a weapon is greater than the need to ensure public safety
  • provide verification of the property/valuables being protected
  • confirmation of if there are any other licences of this type held for the business 

Further information about what safety course you need to complete for this type of licence

Firearms licence (Instructor)

The firearms licence (Instructor) allows you to possess and use any categories of firearms and weapons required to deliver approved safety course training. To apply for this licence, you must be employed by or manage a registered training organisation and have completed the courses appropriate to the type of training you are providing. Legislation allows for a licensed firearms instructors to supervise students performing an approved safety course.

When you apply for a firearms licence (Instructor), you must provide the supporting documents as listed below, with your application and as evidence of your genuine reason:  

  • Safety course certificate – A current safety course certificate is required for any categories of firearms you are not currently licenced for. 
  • RTO letter of authority – From a registered RTO as the provider of a course approved by the Commissioner under the Weapons Act 1990. This letter should contain details of:
    • the registered number of the RTO course provider
    • the courses you are authorised to instruct
    • the period of time the authorisation is valid
    • where the course instruction will take place
  • Supporting letter - Evidence of practical experience in the handling and use of weapons. This may be presented in the form of a resume and include copies of the relevant certificates, awards and proofs of membership.
  • Qualifications in relation to the development, presentation and evaluation of modules and assessment of participants.  Under the Australian Skills Quality Authority Standards, as of 1 July 2019, only a person who holds one of the following credentials can deliver training and assessment: 


  1. TAE40116 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment 


  1. TAE40110 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment plus the following units: 
    • either TAELLN411 or TAELLN401A, and 
    • either TAEASS502 or TAEASS502A or TAEASS502B 


  1. A diploma or higher-level qualification in adult education.


Applicant is required to provide a copy of certification(s) as evidence of holding the required Training and Assessment qualifications outlined above. 


Documentation required when renewing Firearms Instructor licence:-

  • Letter of Authority – From a registered RTO as the provider of a course approved by the Commissioner under the Weapons Act 1990. This letter should contain details of: 
  • the registered number of the RTO course provide
  • the courses you are authorised to instruct
  • the period of time the authorisation is valid
  • where the course instruction will take place


Further information about what type of safety course you need to complete for this type of licence

Collector's licence (weapons)

​​To be considered collectable, a firearm or weapons must be of obvious and significant commemorative, historic, thematic or investment value. There are two (2) types of licences in this category:

  • A collector’s licence (weapons) which is for a person that collects firearms and weapons. Any firearms or weapons registered to this licence must be made temporarily or permanently inoperable and cannot be operated or discharged under this licence.
  • A collector’s licence (heirloom) which is for a person who has been handed down a single weapon as part of a will. The weapon must be made permanently inoperable and only one weapon can be registered to this licence.

All the collector's licence (weapons) genuine reason types and supporting documents to supply when applying for a new weapons licence

Visitor's licence

A visitor’s licence allows you to use a weapon while you are in Queensland as a visitor. If you are visiting from another Australian state or territory, your interstate licence is mutually recognised and you do not need a visitor’s licence, as long as:-

  • You are licensed for the same purpose on your interstate licence
  • You are participating in a shooting competition including training for a competition and receiving training in the use of category M crossbows
  • You are shooting recreationally (hunting) on rural land only with the express consent of the owner
  • You have an occupational requirement to shoot on rural land for a rural purpose.

For all other reasons, interstate visitors to Queensland must apply for a visitor’s licence.

If you are an international visitor and you wish to use a weapon while in Queensland or elsewhere in Australia, you will need a visitor’s licence and a special permit from Australian Police. You must be entitled by law to possess and use a weapon in the state or country where you normally reside.

Click here for further information.