Weapons Licensing Regulator Performance Framework Report 2022-23

Posted 22/01/2020

Weapons Licensing is a responsible unit within the scope of the reporting requirements for the Queensland Government Regulator Performance Framework.  The Framework is supported by the Office of Best Practice Regulation within Queensland Treasury.

Accordingly, Weapons Licensing has prepared the below report on functions and activities in the 2022-23 financial year.

The Queensland Government has endorsed model practices to support government policy objectives in ensuring that regulators are appropriately consulting with stakeholders, and reviewing their regulatory practices, to ensure that regulation is not unnecessarily burdensome on affected parties.

These five endorsed model practices are:

  • ensure regulatory activity is proportionate to risk and minimises unnecessary burden
  • consult and engage meaningfully with stakeholders
  • provide appropriate information and support to assist compliance
  • commit to continuous improvement, and
  • be transparent and accountable in actions.