Road closure

Early release supporting documents

Required for all applications:

  • Copy of identification document for applicant (Queensland Drivers Licence; Passport or other suitable identification)

Required for specific application types:

Severe Financial Hardship

  • If insufficient space on form: A statement that outlines how a refusal to grant the application and release the vehicle would cause severe financial hardship to you or your family
  • Copies of any documents supporting the accuracy of the claims in your application should also be attached (e.g. proof of income amounts, weekly payment amounts, weekly repayment accounts, total weekly expenses, employment details, dependant details)
  • Unless you are self-employed, your application will only be considered if you also submit a signed Statutory Declaration from your employer that confirms that you would be deprived of your means of earning a living if the application is refused

Severe Physical Hardship

  • If insufficient space on form: A statement that outlines how a refusal to grant your application and release the vehicle would cause severe physical hardship to you or your family
  • Documentary evidence or certified copies of documentary evidence in support of each matter in the statement (a certified copy of documentary evidence means certified by a justice of the peace or a commissioner for declarations in writing to be a true copy of the documentary evidence), such as:
    • statutory declarations from persons other than yourself such as medical practitioners
    • medical reports
    • appointment calendars
    • any other documents which may support your application
  • If the severe physical hardship relates to attending a location for medical treatment or appointments, copies of documents supporting the accuracy of the claims in your application should also be attached (e.g. Details of medical practitioner, location, contact details; how often you need to make the journey; vehicle or public transport times and availability)
  • If taxis or public transport are not an option for you due to your financial circumstances, copies of any documents supporting the accuracy of the claims in your application should also be attached (e.g. proof of weekly income, combined household income, weekly repayment accounts, total weekly expenses, dependant details)

Offence occurred without owner's consent

  • If insufficient space on form: A statement that contains sufficient detailed information to explain how it is that the offence was committed without the owner's consent

Circumstances giving rise to the offence have been rectified

  • If insufficient space on form: A statement that contains sufficient detailed information in the statements below to explain how it is that the circumstances giving rise to the offence have been rectified
  • Copies of relevant documents such as:
    • A photocopy of a new drivers licence
    • A copy of a Certificate of Insurance
    • A receipt issued by the Department of Transport for the payment of vehicle registration fees for the vehicle

Grounds for impoundment or immobilisation unreasonable

  • If insufficient space on form: A statement which provides sufficient information to demonstrate that there were not reasonable grounds for police to impound or immobilise the vehicle.
  • Relevant photographs and/or supporting statements that may give strength to your claims such as:
    • Photos of relevant roads / vehicles / objects;
    • Supporting statements from witnesses;
    • Any other documentary evidence that may support your application on this ground