Concealable licence for target shooting

Posted 28/08/2018

Before you can apply for a Category H concealable firearms licence for the Sport or Target Shooting, there are a few things you need to do. 

Step 1 - Join a pistol club as an eligible member

You are required to become an eligible member of a shooting club. 

In  order to become an eligible member, you must:

If you don't possess a statement of eligibility or a Weapons Act Licence, you are not considered an eligible person to join a pistol club.  

Step 2 - Maintain membership and complete the required shoots

Once you become an eligible member, you must maintain this membership for at least 6 months before applying for a licence. 

During that 6 months, you are required to complete at least 3 participation shoots. 

Step 3 - Approved club declaration (QP518A) and application

Your club representative is required to complete an approved club declaration (QP518A). This declaration proves your membership to the club and makes up part of your application. 

This declaration is valid for only 28 days, so make sure once you receive this declaration, you apply for your licence. 

You must complete three shoots within the six months immediately before the 'approved club declaration (Queensland applicant)' being signed, and on separate days.

View application requirements

Interstate/overseas applicants  

Interstate applicants and international people taking up residence in Queensland who have a current pistol club licence and have met the membership and participation requirements in another state or country may not need to meet the above requirements in Queensland, if they can demonstrate compliance with specific requirements under Section 18B of the Weapons Act 1990.  

Moving from interstate, you must:

  • have held an interstate licence or authority that corresponds with a Queensland Weapons Act concealable firearms licence for at least 12 months, authorising the applicant to possess category H weapons for sport of target shooting
  • have been a member of an interstate pistol club for the 6 months immediately before application in Queensland
  • have signed up as a financial member of a Queensland pistol shooting club while interstate pistol club membership is still current; A QP518B Approved Club Declaration - Concealable Firearms Licence Sports or Target Shooting (Interstate/Overseas Applicant) form must be supplied with application.
  • make application for a concealable firearms licence while interstate concealable licence is current and within 7 days of moving to Queensland, to negate the need to complete a safety course. 

Moving from overseas, you must:

  • have been permitted or authorised under the law of the other country to possess a category H weapon for sports or target shooting
  • have within the 2 years immediately before application, have consistently participated at a national or international level in internationally recognised shooting competitions for a category H weapon.

Examples of internationally recognised shooting competitions:

  • shooting competitions in the Olympic Games
  • shooting competitions in the Commonwealth Games
  • metallic silhouette world championship