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QPS Diversity and Inclusion Review

The Queensland Human Rights Commission (the Commission) is working with the Queensland Police Service (QPS) to review practices and procedures and recommend changes to improve the recruitment and retention of women, First Nations and culturally and linguistically diverse police.

Why is the review happening?

The Commission of Inquiry into police responses to domestic and family violence, which delivered its report in November 2022, found that sexism, misogyny and racism are a significant problem within the QPS, and these discriminatory behaviours impact the entire culture of the police service.

One of the recommendations was that the QPS engage the Commission to undertake a review of diversity and inclusion in the QPS.

Is the review independent?

The Commission is an independent statutory body. Their role is protecting and strengthening human rights and preventing discrimination. They do this through a range of functions, including conducting reviews like this which focus on effecting systemic change.

The Commission will remain independent throughout the review. This means they will work with the QPS, but not on its behalf. The Commission will work independently in the consultations it holds, and how it manages and shares information with the QPS.

Information about confidentiality and how the Commission will protect the privacy of current and former police taking part in the review is available on the Commission’s website.

What will the review look at?

As outlined in the Commission of Inquiry recommendation, the issues the review will look at include:

  1. Barriers to women, First Nations, and culturally diverse people applying to join the QPS.
  2. Whether QPS recruitment policies and practices are in line with state and federal anti-discrimination laws. This will include examining whether recruitment standards for entry to be a QPS member: 
    - are genuine occupational requirements; and 
    - identifying any equal opportunity measures that should apply.
  3. Assessing whether there is adequate transparency about recruitment, promotion, and retention, and a capacity to monitor and evaluate changes.
  4. What positive steps QPS should take to prevent discrimination, including sexism and racism, within the QPS.
  5. What should be done to increase the retention of women, First Nations, and culturally diverse police.
  6. Any other relevant matters.

As recommended by the Commission of Inquiry, the review is focused on QPS members from ‘diverse backgrounds’. In this context, diverse backgrounds means people who identify as women, and/or First Nations people, and/or and from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.

The review will not extend to the experience of victims or survivors of domestic or family violence who are not police members, or general industrial or workplace matters not covered by the scope.

Approach and timelines

The review will be conducted in three phases over a four-year period. 

Phase One: Review and guide

The initial review and guidance phase will run from July 2023 until late 2024.

In this phase the Commission will gather information in three ways – research, information request and consultation. At the end, the Commission will publish a report with recommendations for the QPS.

Phase Two: Implement

The implementation phase will run for two years from late 2024 to Oct 2026.

During this phase, the QPS will implement the recommendations made in phase one. The review’s Advisory Panel will continue its work to oversee the implementation.

Phase Three: Evaluate

The evaluation phase will run for 12 months from Oct 2026 to late 2027.

The Commission will then come back and evaluate and measure the extent to which their recommendations have been implemented, and how much change has been achieved.

Want to know more?

Further details about the review and how you can get involved can be found on the Commission’s website.

If you have questions about this information or the review, please contact the review team by email at