Motorcycle Officer

Demerit points, leniency and common questions

If you’re looking for information around demerit points or driver’s licences, it’s best to see the Department of Transport and Main Roads website. We can provide some basic information, helpful links and commonly asked questions.

Helpful links and resources

Information on driver's licences

Information on vehicle registration

Information on driving tired

Information on fatigue management

Information on seatbelts and restraints

Information on child restraints

Information on vehicle standards and modifications

Information on personal mobility

Demerit points

Demerit points are allocated to a driver’s traffic history upon:

  • Payment of the penalty associated with the infringement notice;
  • Conviction in a court of law; or
  • The infringement notice being referred to the State Penalties Enforcement Registry (SPER) for further enforcement action as the infringement due date has lapsed.

More information on demerit points and penalties amounts.


There are no provisions under Queensland legislation to offer leniency based on a good driving record, interstate ‘gold’ licences or because you’ve never had a ticket before.

But it was safer to head through the red light rather than brake suddenly

When a traffic signal is red, you are required to stop at or before the solid white line. Drivers are reminded that they are also obligated to stop on an amber light. You should change your driving to suit weather and traffic conditions so you can stop at the red light safely.

But I was speeding due to an extraordinary emergency

If you’ve received a speed camera fine while you were acting under circumstances that support a sudden or extraordinary emergency, you will need to supply documentary evidence from the medical provider. The documentary evidence should contain:

  • The name and address of the doctor who administered treatment;
  • The nature of the illness;
  • The date and time treatment was administered; and
  • The circumstances that support the sudden or extraordinary emergency.

This information can be submitted online (QLD licence holders only) by following the prompts, or by writing to:

Queensland Revenue Office
GPO Box 1447

Please include details of the infringement notice including the infringement notice number, your name and forwarding address details. Once the information is received it will be reviewed and you will be notified in due course.

But my speedometer was checked and it's inaccurate

If you’ve received a speed camera fine, and your speedometer has been found to be inaccurate, you will need to supply evidence from a reputable organisation. A GPS does not qualify.

The evidence must outline what the vehicle’s speedometer was showing when travelling at a broad range of speeds, such as between 50kmh and 100kmh in 10kmh increments.

Please note there are vehicle standards regarding pre- and post-2006 manufactured vehicles, as well as heavy vehicles.

Once the relevant evidence has been obtained, this information can be submitted online (QLD licence holders only) by following the prompts or by providing information in writing to Queensland Revenue Office. Once the information is received it will be reviewed and you will be notified in due course.

Images of the offence

Speed and/or red light cameras are activated by a variety of triggers to capture an image or series of images that enable the elements of the relevant offence to be proved.

The State Penalties Enforcement Regulation 2014 (the Act) stipulates certain particulars that are to be identified before issuing a camera detected ticket. These particulars include the vehicle registration and body type. Where practicable to work out, the make and colour of the vehicle will also be used.

How can I view the images relating to the offence?

Queensland licence holders may view the offence image(s) online through 'My infringements' and select 'view offence image'. If you cannot access images online, contact Queensland Revenue Office on 1300 360 610  for other options. 

Why does my vehicle appear to be a different colour in the image?

Some speed or red light cameras employ infrared flash technology, allowing the photography of vehicles in varying conditions without emitting a white flash. Infrared technology increases the quality of the photographic information collected, improving image clarity and plate legibility. However, the resulting images differ in colour reproduction and contrast to those using standard white flash, in that night time images may appear black and white, while daytime images may appear less dense or saturated.

Money collected from speed camera and red light camera fines

The Transport Operations (Road Use Management) Act 1995 requires that all money collected for penalties from camera detected offences, in excess of the administrative costs, must be used for specific road safety purposes and improvement.

Where can I find more information?

More information on how the money collected from speed camera and red light camera fines is used can be found here.

Other questions?

For more information regarding your infringement notice see the FAQs.

More FAQs

State Penalties Enforcement Registry (SPER)

If a camera detected ticket is not attended to by the due date, the matter may be referred to SPER for enforcement action to recover the debt.

I have received a SPER enforcement order but I didn’t receive the original camera detected ticket

A camera detected ticket is issued to the address recorded on your vehicle registration. In the event you did not receive the original notice and you now have a SPER enforcement order, you will need to contact SPER on 1300 365 635 to discuss your options relating to the enforcement order.

I have received a SPER enforcement order but I wasn’t the driver

Dependent on the timeframes of your infringement notice, the driver of vehicle at the time of the offence may be able to complete a statutory declaration to transfer responsibility to themselves. You can contact Queensland Revenue Office on 1300 360 610  to discuss your options.

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