Page Contents
Queensland Police Service Equity Diversity and Inclusion Plan 2024-2025
Jun 2025. 3.2 Support employee wellbeing, economic security and gender equality. (28 August 2024)
Queensland Police Service | Annual Report 2011-12 Financial statements ...
TotalPublic Order and. SafetyProfessional Standards and. Ethical Practice Personal Safety Property Security Traffic Policing. (20 October 2012)
Form 1 Annex Rural Employee 17062016.indd
Surname. Given Name(s). Home ph. Mob ph. Please indicate if you are the landowner or manager of this property:. ... 2. APPLICANT CERTIFICATION DETAILS. 01:. Surname:. 02:. Given Name(s):. 03:. Home number:. (09 August 2016)
CIRCUMSTANCES: At approximately 7.42am on 21 March 1972 Marilyn Joy Wallman left her home by. ... by the side of the road approximately one kilometre from her home. (20 March 2022)
FORM 1Queensland Weapons Act 1990Section 13 APPLICATION FOR A ...
Postcode. Weapons storage address. Postcode. Mobile number Home number Work number. ... BUSINESS ADDRESS2:. BUSINESSPOSTCODE:. MOBILE NUMBER:. HOME NUMBER:. BUSINESSNAME:. ABN:. POSTAL ADDRESS:. (28 October 2020)
Queensland Police Service | Annual Report 2012-13 Service: Personal safety/property security 13. ... The offence categories reported separately are classified as high volume property security offences. (24 September 2013)
Page | 1 Traffic Management Plan |Information Guide What ...
Page | 1. Traffic Management Plan |Information Guide. What is a Traffic Management Plan? The Traffic Management Plan (TMP) is an essential requirement used to identify, document and mitigate all known risks along a route. When is a TMP required? (28 November 2021)
1 2 Acknowledgements The Griffith Evaluation Team would like ...
1. 2. Acknowledgements. The Griffith Evaluation Team would like to thank those who enabled this research. We thank the Queensland Police Service Child Abuse and Sexual Crime Group for their support, as well as Queensland Police Service Research and (12 March 2023)
QPS Sponsorship Register Jan to Mar 2016
750.00 Content Security Fraud and Cyber Crime Group. To raise funds for a worthy QPS charity which also provided for a social event where the QPS could further strengthen partnerships (08 April 2016)
OFFICIAL OFFICIAL Weapons Licensing Regulator Performance Framework Report 2022-…
Firearms Register, • regulating and reviewing reporting of weapons industry. stakeholders including dealers, armourers, clubs, ranges, galleries, security organisation’s and theatrical ordnance, and. • (14 February 2024)