Police interview

Drug and Alcohol Coordination Unit

Queensland Police Service (QPS) has an internal Drug and Alcohol Coordination Unit (DACU), which works alongside police officers on alcohol and drug issues relating to law enforcement.

DACU ensures that QPS works with the whole of government to reduce the harm caused by alcohol and drug abuse. DACU’s work aligns with the National Drug Strategy 2017 – 2026 and the National Alcohol Strategy 2018 – 2026. You can read these strategies on the Department of Health website.

​​​DACU works closely with other areas of QPS, including the Drug and Serious Crime Group, State Intelligence Group, Road Policing Group, Crime Prevention Programs Unit and our regional police teams.

DACU’s work includes:

  • Advising QPS and the government about drug and alcohol policies.

  • Liaising with other government and non-government organisations involved in the drug and alcohol field.

  • Researching alcohol and drug related issues that impact on law enforcement.

  • Representing QPS at forums on alcohol and other drug issues.

  • Designing and delivering programs, training, information and resources on alcohol and other drugs for police.

  • Coordinating and supporting projects funded under the National and Queensland Drug Strategies.