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Many well qualified and committed applicants seek a career with the Queensland Police Service (QPS).

Entry is highly competitive and based on merit.

The process for selection complies with the Police Service Administration Act 1990 (Qld)​​. This Act prescribes that the appointment of a person as a police recruit must be made by fair and equitable procedures that select applicants on the basis of merit and prevent discrimination.

The QPS accepts applications all year round. Our recruitment is continuous and not for a particular intake, which means that applications can be submitted and updated on an ongoing basis.

A number of factors determine the time taken for the recruiting process, which will vary for individual applicants. Recruiting aims to process applications in the shortest possible time, however factors such as the availability of the applicant, referees' responses, from where information is required (e.g. overseas), and other factors may affect the progress of applications.

We ask that you be patient throughout the process and we will be in contact when you progress to the next stage or we need more information from you.

  • Application information

    All applicants offered a place on any of our entry pathways are required to satisfy all applicant requirements and meet all assessment standards*. 

    Once an applicant is deemed to have met all the requirements and considered suitable for offer, QPS Recruiting will decide the pathway that is best suited to the applicant.  This decision is made through a holistic assessment. There is no need for the applicant to nominate a specific pathway at any time.

    To give yourself the best chance of being successful through the recruiting process, please familiarise yourself with the information on this website, especially in terms of the frequently asked questions (FAQs).

    *Some assessments may not be applicable for or may be altered for previous serving police officers.

  • Your next step

    If you meet all of the eligibility requirements and understand the QPS Recruiting selection process, you will need to complete the QPS Entrance Assessment (QPSea) OR met one of the associated exemption criteria.

    Once you have successfully completed this assessment, you may be invited to complete your online QPS police recruit application.

  • Contact us

    If you haven't been able to find the answer you are looking for, contact us.


    1300 BE A COP (1300 23 2 267)
    +61 7 3015 3388 (for overseas enquiries)


    Contact hours:

    8am - 3:30pm, Monday - Friday

    Visit us:

    Recruiting Centre
    Ground Floor
    Makerston House
    30 Makerston Street
    Brisbane QLD 4001